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Standard installation

To install the software, the installation file (“signotec_PDF_Signing_Adobe_PlugIn_X.X.X_64Bit.exe”) must be run as administrator.

The dialog-based installation then starts, asking you to confirm the license agreement (EULA) and the data protection statement. Once they have been confirmed, the installation directory can be specified and the installation can be started.

Silent installation

As an alternative to the dialog-based installation, you can perform the installation without user interaction.


..\signotec_PDF_Signing_Adobe_PlugIn_X.X.X_64Bit.exe /s /v"/qn"


The parameter “CONFIG_ADMINISTRATOR_RIGHTS=1” can be used to specify for the silent installation that after installation only the administrator account / user with administrator rights can make changes to the configuration of the plug-in—both via the UI and via the configuration file (stsignpdf.ini). If the parameter is not used, then any user can make changes.


..\signotec_PDF_Signing_Adobe_PlugIn_X.X.X_64Bit.exe /s /v" CONFIG_ADMINISTRATOR_RIGHTS=1 /qn"

Installation with configuration

To perform the installation with an existing configuration, simply save the configuration file “stsignpdf.ini” in the same directory as the setup of the signotec Adobe Acrobat plug-in. Taking the file name as the basis, this file will be taken into account during installation and the plug-in will be preconfigured accordingly.

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