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System requirements

Operating systems

The following operating systems are supported for the signotec Adobe Acrobat plug-in:

  • Windows 10 or later

  • Windows Server 2016 or later

The application is provided for 64-bit (x64).

Adobe products

The signotec Adobe Acrobat plug-in is compatible with the following Adobe Acrobat (Reader) versions:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

  • Adobe Acrobat Pro



The Adobe Acrobat Reader always inserts the first signature into a document destructively. As a consequence, not all of the signotec signature pad’s security functions and signature mechanisms can be used and the evidential value of the first signature in the document may be limited. This is a limitation to the functionality of Adobe products, which signotec has no influence over as a third-party supplier. If you wish to use all security functions, we recommend using the signotec APIs or the software signoSign/2.

signotec Delta

The signotec Delta signature pad can fundamentally be used. However, due to technical limitations in the Adobe plug-in interface, a complete display and scrolling function is not possible. Instead, only a section of the document is displayed.

For full support of all signotec Delta functions, we recommend using the signoSign/2 software.

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