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Various technical terms are used in connection with signotec licenses. The following table lists terms along with their definitions.



Online license

The term “online license” describes licenses that are issued by signotec and regularly checked online.

License / license key

The license or license key describes a combination of letters and numbers used to activate the signotec software.


A license can cover “n” number of “activations.” Activation is always linked to the PC on which it is performed (the “client”) or the user. In the case of the terminal server, this is the terminal device or user that connects to the server and uses the software remotely.


The “client” is the computer that uses the software.


A “user” is a person who uses the software. Technically, the username is always linked to the “ReferencedDomainName.” In the case of a domain user, this is the name of the domain. In the case of a local user, the computer name is used.

Offline use

“Offline use” means that the activated license can be temporarily used offline (without an Internet connection)..

Releasing a license (license release)

“Releasing” a license describes the process of manually resetting an activation so that it can be used on another PC.

Transferring a license (license transfer)

“Transferring” a license or activation describes an automated process that causes all activations of the license to be automatically reset and re-allocated.

Software maintenance (AMS)

“Software maintenance” is an option for licenses that enables free-of-charge version updates and priority technical support.

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