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Installing tools


To use signoPAD tools, the following system requirements must be met:

  • Windows 11 or later

  • Windows Server 2016 or later

  • .NET Framework 2.0 or 4.0 Client Profile


The latest version of signoPAD tools can be downloaded free of charge under


The installation is installed by using the installation file “signotec_signoPADTools_X.X.X_64Bit.exe”.

In case of a complete installation, all features are installed.

If you opt for a custom installation, you can select which of the features you want to install.

  • signoImager/2

  • signoIntegrator/2

  • signoReset

  • RSA Manager

  • Microsoft Office add-ins

How Office add-ins work

If you previously selected to install the Office add-ins, you can specify in the installation process whether the Office add-ins should be used with signoIntegrator2 or signoSign/2.

signoSign/2 is not included in the signoPAD/Tools and must be purchased separately.

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