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The signoIntegrator 2 can be used to capture signatures and save them to the clipboard. The captured signatures can then be inserted as an image into any programs or files. Where possible, the captured signature will also be inserted automatically at the current mouse position.

The signoIntegrator2 application is described below.

User interface

Once the signoIntegrator2 has been started, the application will start in the background. Right-clicking the icon in the toolbar (tray area) presents the following options.

  • “Info” displays the info window.

  • “Settings” opens the settings.

  • “Sign” starts the signature capture.

  • “Exit” closes the application.


The settings contain numerous options for configuring the signoIntegrator 2. All settings are explained in the following sections.


Signature pad

You use the Connection-Type setting to specify the type of pad you want to use for capturing the signature.




The signature pad is connected to the computer locally via USB.


A signature pad is being used via a virtual serial connection (FTDI or VCOM port driver). If this option is selected, the desired port (COM1–COM256) can be selected under “VCOM port”. If the port is unknown, the button “Unknown” is activated. In this case, the software will search for devices automatically and use the first one it finds.


The signature pad is connected via Ethernet (IP). If this option is selected, the IP and the port of the signature pad must be entered under “IP address”. The IP address and the port are configured in the service menu of the device or IP adapter.





The options “minimum length” and “maximum length” can be used to specify whether the signature that has been provided should be checked for minimum and/or maximum length.

If one or more of the options has been activated and the signature provided is too short or too long and therefore likely invalid, an error message is displayed.


Specifies what resolution should be used for saving the signature. A value between 75 DPI and 600 DPI can be entered.

Add timestamp

Specifies whether a timestamp with the current date and time should be added to the graphic of the signature.

Image size

Specifies what size should be used for saving the signature image.

Either “Original size (on pad)” or a fixed scaled size in pixels can be chosen. If the original size option is selected, the resolution is based on the captured signature and the set DPI.

Line width

Specifies what pen width should be used for saving the signature. You can select pen widths between 0 (variable width) and 10 (very thick line width).

This setting does not affect how the signature is displayed on the signature device or in the signature capture dialog on the PC.

Line color

Specifies what color should be used for saving the signature.

This setting does not affect how the signature is displayed on the signature device or in the signature capture dialog on the PC.


Specifies whether the edges should be smoothed in the saved signature image to achieve a smoother look. This optimization increases the size of the file.

File path for the display text (ignored for Sigma model)

A confirmation text can be shown on the signature pad’s display before or during signing. You can incorporate this confirmation text via a text file. The display contained in this file will be displayed on the pad.

Compatible models:

  • signotec Omega

  • signotec Zeta

  • signotec Gamma

  • signotec Delta

Only text files with the file format (*.txt) can be used.

Confirm display text before signing

Specifies whether the displayed text needs to be confirmed before signing.

Activated: The text must be confirmed before the signature is captured. If the confirmation text is canceled, the dialog will close and no signature will be captured.

Deactivated: The text is displayed in the background of the signature dialog but does not need to be confirmed explicitly for the signing process.




Mirror pad LCD

Specified whether the signature dialog should be displayed on the PC and if so, whether the display of the pad should be mirrored.

Off: The signature dialog is only displayed on the signature pad. There is no real-time display on the PC.

Signature only: Only the signature is mirrored in the signature dialog on the PC.

Total contents: The entire display of the signature pad is mirrored in the signature dialog on the PC.

Default value: Signature only


This setting can be used to define the design of the UIs on the signature device.

Pad buttons

Specifies which buttons on the signature device should be shown.

If all UIs are deactivated, the signature can only be canceled, repeated or confirmed using the dialog on the computer.

Pen width

Specifies the width for the signature display in the signature dialog on the computer. You can select pen widths between 0 (variable width) and 10 (very thick width).

This setting does not affect the display on the signature device.

Pen color

Specifies the color for the signature display in the signature dialog on the computer.

This setting relates to the display in the dialog and on the signature pad. If has no effect on the signature that is saved.

Control color

Specifies the color for the background in the signature dialog on the computer.

This setting has no effect on the display on the signature pad and only applies if the mirroring is set to “Signature only.”.

Control border color

Specifies the color for the border of the signature dialog on the computer.

This setting does not affect the display on the signature pad.

Shortcut for signature capture

In this area, a keyboard shortcut (key combination) can be defined for starting signature capture.

A function key (F1–F12) can be selected along with one or more other keys (Shift, Ctrl and Alt) as the shortcut. To change the F key, you need to click the field and then press the desired key. The keys Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys can be pressed at the same time. Alternatively, they can be activated in the checkboxes.

Example: If the function key “F8” has been entered and “Shift” is selected, “Shift + F8” must be pressed at the same time to start signature capture.

To use the keyboard shortcut, the application must have been started in the background. The combination must also not be used by other applications.


The application language can be adjusted. The system language is used as standard.

To set a language other than the system language, the setting “Language corresponds to system language” must be deactivated to enable one of the languages displayed in the drop-down list to be selected.

If the language is changed, you must restart the application for the change to take effect.

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