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Help and licensing

Important information such as the version number (X.X.XX) and the contact details, privacy policy and license terms (EULA) are displayed in the help section of the app. Information is also provided as to whether the app is licensed.


Activating a license

If the app is not licensed, a license key can be entered via “License now”. The license key (XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX) can be entered with or without hyphens.

The license is usually provided together with the invoice and can alternatively be requested at .

You need to have an Internet connection for licensing only. Port 2196 must not be blocked for this purpose.

Release license

Once the app is licensed, the currently used license can be released via the “Release license” button so that it can be used on another device.

The license is not released by uninstalling the app. You need to use the corresponding button to return the license. If this is no longer possible, e.g. if the device is lost or defective, please contact signotec Support.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.