App for Apple iOS
A device with an active Internet connection and iOS version 9.1 or higher is required for installation and use.
You will need unlocked access or a custom installation of signoSign/Universal.
The signoSign/Universal iOS app can be downloaded free of charge from the Apple App Store. Following successful installation, the signoSign/Universal app for Apple iOS can be opened on your home screen. You should, however, configure the app before use.
App download link:
Connection data
The app settings are available through Apple iOS Settings. After opening Settings, you will find a list of all installed apps. signoSign/Universal also appears there. To establish a connection between signoSign/Universal and the app, two connection values need to be entered in the app settings: the home URL and the application URL.
The home URL describes the storage location or the application providing the documents to be signed. The default setting is signoSign/Universal Document Pool.
Scheme: <server_url>/signoSignUniversal/pool
If you disable “Use home URL,” the app will run without a releasing application. In this case, only the import function via “Open with...” can be used.
The application URL refers to the actual signoSign/Universal application.
Scheme: <server_url>/signoSignUniversal
If you are using the app with the server provided by signotec GmbH, these connection values can also remain blank (empty).
User data
The access data for signoSign/Universal must also be stored in Settings. These access data are used for automatic login when the app starts.
If signoSign/Universal is provided by signotec, these access data will be sent to the user’s email address following successful registration.
If you run signoSign/Universal on an internal server, please ask your system administrator for access data.
App authorizations
Different authorizations are required depending on how the app is used.
Access to location information
By activating this option, signoSign/Universal can take the GPS data of your iOS device into account when signing. The digital signature will be expanded to include the location data.Access to the camera
By activating this function, signoSign/Universal is granted access to the integrated camera. The digital signature can be expanded to include recorded image data.
Display user name
If you enable this option, the user name can be displayed when logging in to signoSign/Universal.
Pen support
If you enable pen support, the signing method will be configured in the app such that a signature can only be captured using the selected pen. It is then no longer possible to sign with a finger.
Pen support means that higher-value signature data can be recorded. If your device has pen input of this kind, we recommend that you use it.
App information
“System information” displays information about the app and IT service in use. The current version of the app is shown under “Version.”
You can find the version number of the server components that the app has used to connect under “IT service.” If no connection to a server has been established, this field remains blank.