Configure server access
The access data for signoSign/Universal must be stored in the settings. When using the signoSign/Universal Uploader, these access data are then used for the automatic login.
If signoSign/Universal is provided by signotec, these access data will be sent to the user’s email address after successful registration.
Server URL:
User: Your email address
Password: Your personal password
If you run signoSign/Universal on an internal server, please ask your system administrator for the necessary access data.
Display configuration before transfer
The “Display configuration before transfer” setting is activated by default and enables the user data to be updated each time the application is started individually.
The selection of a standard action to be executed is always prevented during activation.
Standard actions
To ensure the most convenient operation possible, standard actions can be defined that are executed automatically when the application is started or when a document is delivered. To select a standard action, the “Show configuration before transfer” option must be deactivated, as setting a standard action prevents the program window from being displayed.
The following standard actions are available:
None (show selection): This is the preselected default value. Each time the signoSign/Universal Uploader is used, a dialog with the available actions is offered. This makes it possible to carry out the desired action each time the uploader is started individually.
Sign: This action uploads the desired PDF or SGN document as a “document” to signoSign/Universal and automatically opens it for signature capture in the standard browser. If the document is signed directly or its content is otherwise changed and saved, the document is also updated on the server. The modified document can be downloaded again using the corresponding button.
Share: This action uploads the desired PDF or SGN document to signoSign/Universal as a “document” and automatically creates an access link to this document via the share function, which can be made available to the signatory by email. No password is required to access the shared document, and/or assigning a password is unfortunately currently not possible.
The signotec signoSign/Universal Uploader makes it easy to open local documents for signing in the signoSign/Universal web application.
The uploader can transmit and process one single document at a time. It is not possible to open documents in parallel, for example in tabs.
Please note that deleting a “document” that serves as the basis for shared documents automatically removes all sharing processes for this document. The links created will therefore become invalid.
Configuration file
Print to signoSign/Universal automatically creates a configuration file in the AppData path (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\signotec\signoSignUniversal Uploader) to store the custom configuration. Read, write, and change authorizations for this directory are required for operation.
This custom configuration file is also retained after uninstallation for any reinstallation of Print to signoSign/Universal.