System requirements and installation
System requirements
Operating systems
The following operating systems are supported:
Windows 10 and newer
Windows Server 2016 and newer
Print to signoSign/Universal requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2. If .NET Framework is not installed on your computer, it will be automatically downloaded from the Internet and installed. Alternatively, you can download .NET Framework from the Internet beforehand and install it manually.
The installation of Print to signoSign/Universal requires local administrator authorization. Carry out the setup in accordance with your particular operating system (information is available via the Windows + Pause key combination). For a 32-bit operating system, please use the setup Print_to_signoSign_Universal_{Version}_32Bit.exe, and for a 64-bit operating system, use the setup Print_to_signoSign_Universal_{Version}_64Bit.exe.
The language selection dialog for the setup appears first, where you can choose between German and English. Click “OK” to confirm the selection. The following welcome dialog can be confirmed by clicking “Next.” The license agreement will then appear, which we recommend to read carefully and confirm by clicking “I accept the terms of the license agreement.” Click “Next” to go to the privacy policy, which you should again read carefully and confirm by clicking “I accept the terms of the privacy policy.” Confirm your entry by clicking “Next.”
You can use the “Change...” button to specify the installation directory. The default installation directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\signotec for 32-bit operating systems and C:\Program Files\signotec\ for 64-bit operating systems. Click “Next” to confirm your selection. In the next dialog, you can choose between the setup type “Complete” (installs all features) and “Custom” (you can select which features are to be installed). Once you have made your selection, click “Next” to confirm. If you selected “Custom,” you can now deselect individual features to exclude them from the installation. A description of the selected feature can be found to the right of the feature list. To complete the selection of features to be installed, click “Next.” Click “Install” to start the installation. As soon as the installation has been successfully completed, you can click “Finish” to close the dialog and optionally use the “Start program” option to start the application immediately. In most cases, you will not need to reboot your computer.
Silent installation
Alternatively to dialog-based installation, you can also run a silent installation without you having to do anything. You can enter all the information necessary for the installation via parameters. You can use the command prompt (cmd) for this purpose or create a batch file.
The following optional features are available for installation. Please observe the use of upper and lower case in the feature names.
Feature | Description |
StartMenuProgramIcon | Application linked in the start menu |
DesktopProgramIcon | Application linked on the desktop |
IntegrationIntoContextMenu | Application linked in the context menu of PDF and SGN files |
DefaultPDFFileAssociations | Use as standard application for PDF files |
DefaultSGNFileAssociations | Use as standard application for SGN files |
Documentation | Documentation incl. link to documentation in the start menu |
PDFPrinter_x86 | signotec PDF Creator for 32-bit |
PDFPrinter_x64 | signotec PDF Creator for 64-bit |
Installation with all features (complete)
If you have selected the complete installation option, you can, for example, use the following call.
32-bit setup:
Print_to_signoSign_Universal_X.X.X_32Bit.exe /s /v" INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\signotec\" /qn"
64-bit setup:
Print_to_signoSign_Universal_X.X.X_64Bit.exe /s /v" INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\signotec\" /qn"
Installation with selected features (custom)
If you want to install some but not all features, select the “custom” variant. Two options are available here.
In the first variant, use “REMOVE” to define which features are NOT to be installed. The individual features must be separated by a comma. All features that are not listed will be installed.
32-bit setup:
Print_to_signoSign_Universal_X.X.X_32Bit.exe /s /v" INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\signotec\" ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=DesktopProgramIcon,Documentation /qn"
64-bit setup:
Print_to_signoSign_Universal_X.X.X_64Bit.exe /s /v" INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\signotec\" ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=DesktopProgramIcon,Documentation /qn"
For the second option, you use “ADDLOCAL” to define which features are to be installed. The individual features must be separated by a comma. All features that are not listed will not be installed. Please note that the invisible feature “signoSignUniversalUploader” must always be specified in this constellation.
32-bit setup:
Print_to_signoSign_Universal_X.X.X_32Bit.exe /s /v" INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\signotec\" ADDLOCAL=signoSignUniversalUploader,Documentation,PDFPrinter_x86 /qn"
64-bit setup:
Print_to_signoSign_Universal_X.X.X_64Bit.exe /s /v" INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\signotec\" ADDLOCAL= signoSignUniversalUploader,Documentation,PDFPrinter_x64 /qn"
Uninstall via the Windows Control Panel (Programs and Features) or use the “Remove program” function by running the setup again to remove Print_to_signoSignUniversal. The signotec PDF Creator must be uninstalled separately. This can only be done via the control panel by uninstalling the PDFCreator program.
Silent uninstallation
Alternatively to dialog-based installation, you can also run a silent installation without you having to do anything. The following call, for example, can be used.
32-bit setup:
Print_to_signoSign_Universal_X.X.X_32Bit.exe /s /x /v" /qn"
64-bit setup:
Print_to_signoSign_Universal_X.X.X_64Bit.exe /s /x /v" /qn"
signotec PDF Creator
The “signotec PDF Uploader” is a virtual printer that can be installed during the installation of Print to signoSign/Universal (feature PDFPrinter_x86 or PDFPrinter_x64).
This printer can be used to convert a document from any application into a PDF and automatically open it with the signoSign/Universal Uploader for uploading or sharing.
If you already have a PDF, you do not have to and should not print it using the signotec PDF Creator, as this conversion can be error-prone. Open such documents directly with the signotec signoSign/Universal Uploader.