Print to signoSign/Universal basically consists of two components: the signotec PDF Creator for the convenient creation of PDF documents—and the Uploader, which forwards the PDF and SGN documents to signoSign/Universal for further processing.
Use as a PDF printer
If signotec PDF Creator is installed, it is then available as a printer system-wide. Documents can therefore be converted into the required PDF format from any application that can output data to a printer. Once it has been printed by signotec PDF Creator, the generated PDF document is automatically opened with the signoSign/Universal Uploader and any configured standard action is automatically executed.
Use as an application
PDF and SGN documents can be processed via the signoSign/Universal Uploader directly by drag & drop, which causes any configured standard action to be executed. To do this, simply drag the desired file onto the application (.exe).
Direct signing or sharing is also possible via a context menu entry “signoSign/Universal,” which is available by right-clicking on PDF or SGN documents. When using the context menu entry, any configured standard action is not taken into account.