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DATEVconnect plug-in

With the help of the DATEVconnect plug-in, documents can be opened from the DATEV DMS or the DATEV document archive and then saved there again.


The following requirements must be met:

  1. The DATEVconnect plug-in must be installed on the computer.

  2. An extended license for the DATEVconnect plug-in must be activated on the computer.

  3. A DATEV DMS or the DATEV document archive with DATEVconnect and DATEVconnect DMS with API version 2 must be available.

  4. The use of the DATEVconnect plug-in must be configured in signoSign/2.

For the procurement, installation and configuration of DATEV components, please contact your IT administrator or your contact person at DATEV.

Please note that the version of the DATEVconnect plug-in must never be more recent than the installed signoSign/2 version for compatibility reasons. The version number of the plug-in is always the required signoSign/2 version number.

Quick start


The DATEVconnect plug-in must be installed using the installation file (signotec_s2_Plug-In_DATEVconnect_X.X.X_64Bit). The plug-in is not part of the main software and is available separately for download via the download form.

Required configurations

The following settings must be made as a minimum in order to use the plug-in:

  1. The use of the plug-in must be activated in the general DATEVconnect settings of signoSign/2.

  2. The DATEVconnect plug-in must be selected in the document type management for the respective document type under archiving as archive service.

Once these settings have been made, documents can be opened from DATEV and archived in DATEV again. The other settings in the following sections can be used to adjust the behavior when opening and archiving.

Open document from DATEV

To transfer a document from the DATEV DMS or the document archive to signoSign/2, the document must be selected in DATEV. Right-click to open the context menu. The option “edit with signoSign/2” is available under “send.” This opens the selected documents with signoSign/2.

If Microsoft Word files (*.docx) are transferred to signoSign/2, they are automatically converted into a PDF when retrieved. Microsoft Word and the signotec PDF Creator must be installed for automatic conversion.

Only the transmission path shown here should be used to ensure that an automatic assignment to the source document in DATEV can take place during archiving. All documents that were not opened in signoSign/2 in this way cannot be assigned automatically and are stored in the alternative storage location instead.

Plug-in configuration


The following options are available in the general settings:



Use DATEVconnect

Defines whether the DATEVconnect interface should be used.

Activated: DATEVconnect is used. Documents can be opened from the DATEV DMS or the document archive

Deactivated: DATEVconnect is not used.

Default value: Deactivated

DATEVconnect URL

Defines the URL under which the DATEVconnect interface(DATEVconnect service) of the DATEV DMS or the document archive can be accessed.

Default: https://localhost:58452/

The DATEVconnect APIs “Document Management” and “Client Master Data” must be accessible at this address in order to be able to retrieve documents and client information.

Accept insecure connections

Defines whether potentially insecure connections are also permitted.

Activated: Insecure connections are also accepted, e.g. with invalid TLS certificates.

Deactivated: Only secure connections are accepted. Insecure connections are rejected.

It is strongly recommended to use valid TLS configurations to protect the integrity of all data. The function should only be used for test purposes. If there are any problems, please contact the responsible IT administrator.

Default value: Deactivated


Defines how authentication takes place at the DATEVconnect interface. signoSign/2 acts in the context of this user.

Basic: With basic authentication, a login name and password must be stored with DATEV. This data is used to log in to the DATEVconnect interface.

Windows: Windows authentication uses the user account of the logged-in Windows user.

Default value: Windows

Test connection

Button to test the configured connection settings.

Document structure

The following options are available in the document structure settings:



Standard action when opening

Defines which document from the selected document structure is to be opened from DATEV.

From the beginning: Always opens the first document in the document structure.

From the end: Always opens the last document in the document structure.

All: Always opens all documents in the document structure.

Select: When opening a document structure with more than one document, displays a selection dialog to select the documents to be opened.

Default value: From the beginning


Defines how the document is to be archived in DATEV.

At the beginning: The document archived by signoSign/2 is inserted as a new document at the beginning of the document structure in DATEV.

At the end: The document archived by signoSign/2 is inserted as a new document at the end of the document structure in DATEV.

Replace: The document archived by signoSign/2 replaces or overwrites the original document in DATEV.

This setting only affects the document structure. If revisions are activated, DATEV automatically creates a revision of the document when it is overwritten, so that the previous status is still available via the revision history.

The DATEV document archive does not support a document structure, so the options “at the beginning” and “at the end” cannot be used.

Default value: Replace

Store signoSign/Universal audit logs in the DMS

Defines whether the audit log with the processing history should also be saved in DATEV when archiving documents shared with signoSign/Universal.

Activated: The signoSign/Universal audit log is saved in the DATEV DMS at the end of the document structure.

Deactivated: The signoSign/Universal audit log is not saved in the DATEV DMS.

The DATEV document archive does not support document structure, so these options cannot be used.

Document status

The following options are available in the document status settings:

The menu for selecting the desired status contains the option “Select status manually.” If this option is selected, the user is given a selection option to manually set the desired status for the document.

The DATEV document archive does not support statuses, so these options cannot be used.



Retrieval from DATEV

Defines the status that the document receives in the DATEV DMS when it is opened in signoSign/2.

Share with signoSign/Universal

Defines the status that the document receives in the DATEV DMS when it is shared with signoSign/Universal.

Archiving from signoSign/2

Defines the status that the document receives in the DATEV DMS when it is archived in the DATEV DMS from signoSign/2.

Archiving from signoSign/Universal

Defines the status that the document receives in the DATEV DMS when it is archived in the DATEV DMS from signoSign/Universal.

The option “from signoSign/Universal” refers to documents with source documents that are located in signoSign/Universal. If the source file is not in signoSign/Universal, the “Archiving from signoSign/2” option applies.

Import status

Button that imports the currently available statuses from DATEV into signoSign/2.

Set editor to the current user

Defines whether the currently logged in user should be set as the “editor” of the document in DATEV DMS.

Activated: The current user becomes the “editor” of the document in the DATEV DMS.

Deactivated: The “editor” of the document in DATEV DMS remains unchanged.

Default value: Activated

Use contact data from DATEV

E-mail settings

If an e-mail is to be sent from signoSign/2 (e.g. to share the document with the customer for signature via signoSign/Universal), it is possible to access the master data (surname, first name and e-mail address) of the corresponding client in DATEV. To do this, the placeholder %datevContacts% must be entered in the document type administration for the respective document type under e-mail for “to,” “copy to” or “blind copy to.” When using this placeholder, a selection dialog opens before the e-mail is sent, in which the e-mail addresses of the contact persons of the client belonging to the document can be selected.


When creating a workflow, the clients’ contact details are available via a button when configuring the recipients.

Use client number from DATEV

To use the DATEV client number associated with the document, the placeholder %datevClientNum% can be used.

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