Manage document types
The management of document types can be opened via Tools → Document types… or by pressing F9. The settings open in a new window.
If a document type has already been created for the currently open document, this is automatically preselected when the settings are opened.
Structure of the settings
The window is divided into three columns:
Column | Description |
Left: List of all configured document types | All configured document types are displayed in the left-hand column. Clicking the name of the document type selects the document type and it can then be edited using the two columns on the right. The document types have a version number so that changes can be tracked. |
Center: Settings area of the selected document type | All settings areas for the selected document type are displayed in the center column. Click an area to display all the settings for the area in the right-hand column. Areas that are displayed in gray are not available, for example because the corresponding global setting has not been activated. |
Right: Settings of the respective area | In the right-hand column, all settings for the selected area of the respective document type are displayed and can be changed. |
Click “"OK” or “apply” to save the settings you have made.
Click “Cancel” to discard all changes.
Saved changes cannot be undone. Before making any major changes, we recommend backing up the settings.
Create, sort, delete document types
Some icons are displayed below the list of document types. The document types can be managed using the icons.
The following functions are available:
Function | Description |
New document type from current document | Creates a new document type in which the currently open document is used as a template. If several documents are open, the document of the active tab is used. The new document type is given the name of the template file and is appended to the end of the list. |
New document type | Creates a new document type with the template file selected by the PC. The new document type is given the name of the template file and is appended to the end of the list. |
Copy document type | Duplicates the selected document type. |
Delete document type | Deletes the selected document type. The document type is crossed out and permanently deleted when the settings are saved and exited. |
Move document type up | Moves the document type one place higher in the list. |
Move document type down | Moves the document type one place lower in the list. |
Export document type | Exports the selected document type. The standard document type “all other documents” cannot be exported. This option exports a single document type. If all document types are to be exported, a separate function for exporting all settings is available in the general configurations. |
Import document type | Imports a document type. The imported document type is added to the end of the list. |
Check for uniqueness | Checks whether the configured document types can be clearly recognized or whether there are overlaps or incorrect recognitions. Deactivated and deleted document types are excluded from the check. During the check, signoSign/2 uses the template file of each document type to check whether the configured template also determines the respective document type as a result. The list is processed from top to bottom. In the event of incorrect detection, the check is stopped and an error message is displayed. In this case, the identification terms and, if necessary, the sorting must be adjusted. The check can then be repeated. If all document types are checked and no errors are found, a confirmation is displayed. If a large number of document types are configured, the check may take some time. The software cannot be used during the test. |
Sorting the document types
The configured document types can be sorted in the list. Two functions are available below the list to move the selected document type up or down.
When opening a file, signoSign/2 attempts to find a suitable document type. To do this, the software works through the list of available document types from top to bottom. The first document type that contains suitable identification terms is used.
The sorting of the list can affect the use of the document types. Simple search terms, such as “invoice,” can occur in numerous documents and are not suitable for uniquely identifying a document. It is therefore recommended to use unique identification terms for each document type and to sort the list so that document types with very simple search terms are at the end of the list.