Index file
Depending on the archive or document management system (DMS) used, it may be necessary to create an index file. The necessary settings can be made in this area. The file name, order and content of the index file depend on the DMS used and must be provided by the individual manufacturer.
Option | Description |
Generate index file | This checkbox can be used to activate the creation of an index file. |
Name of the index file: | Any desired file name can be entered. The “+” icon also provides a selection of variables and placeholders that can be used as content for the file name. It should be ensured that when placeholders are used, for example, they do not contain invalid values for file names. Default value: %archiveName% |
Extension of the index file: | The file format of the index file is specified here. It does not matter whether the extension is specified with or without a period. Default value: .xml |
Custom path for the index file: | By activating this checkbox, it is possible to open “search folder” dialog via the “…” button and select the desired storage folder for the index file. Default value: Deactivated |
Treat content as XML | If this checkbox is activated, the application checks the XML structure when saving the configuration of the index file. For example, there may only be one root element, or the start tag must match the end tag. In addition, the specified coding is checked and used. If this cannot be determined, UTF-8 is used. Not only is the content of the document-type-specific part checked, but also the content of the main index file from the configuration. The check is carried out when the “OK” and “apply” buttons are clicked and a message is displayed if errors are found. Default value: Deactivated |
Content of the index file: | The content of the index file can be configured in this input area. The “+” icon also provides a selection of variables and placeholders that can be used as content for the index file. The content stored here is merged via the variable “%docTypeIndexFile%” with the settings from the “main index file” area of the configuration and thus creates the actual index file. |