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Lite and Pro versions

The software can be used both as a free “Lite” version and as an extended “Pro” version.

The Lite version provides basic functions for electronic signing and is suitable for simple applications. The Pro version, on the other hand, offers numerous functions and options for automating processes, such as document types with automatic signature fields and archiving and e-mail options, as well as numerous other functions for the legally compliant capture of advanced electronic signatures, such as biometric signature features and an internal certificate management system.

Selecting the version

When starting the software for the first time, you can choose between the free Lite version and Pro version. It is also possible to switch between the Lite and the Pro versions at any time via the settings.

Once a license has been saved, the Pro version is used automatically and it is then only possible to switch to the Lite version if the license is released.


This software manual is available in two versions, which can be changed by selecting “Lite version” and “Pro version” in the header.

Comparison of functions

The following table shows a comparison of functions of the two versions.

(Haken) = included

🟡 = optional


Lite version

Pro version


Opening and editing PDF documents



Filling out PDF forms



Handwritten notes



Manually creating signature fields



Creating manual notes










Attaching documents


Sending e-mails




signoSign/Universal integration


DATEV integration



Signing via signotec signature pad



Signing via signotec Pen Display



Setting the pen color



Setting the pen width



Print-dependent display of the signature



Timeout of the signing process


Dual pad mode


Individual signature field settings


Individual displays on the signature pad


Individual confirmation texts before signature


Additional information captured during the signature process


Individual signature device settings


Using signature pads via IP


Flexible selection of IP signature pads


Signing via Windows tablet PC



Capturing biometric data


RSA encryption in the signature pad


PDF signature in the signature pad


signotec content signing



Multiple languages



Exclusive opening of documents


Password protection of the configuration


Central storage location for the configuration


Export and import of configurations


External storage location for signature device settings


Custom time server settings


Support for qualified time stamps


Customizable user interface


Individual printer configuration



Automatic document recognition


Automatic creation of signature fields


Automatic insertion of content


Automatic splitting of documents


Flexible settings for automatic document processing


Automatic and individual archiving of documents in the file system or via URL upload


Send e-mails automatically




Creating index files


Automatic extraction of placeholders


Reading barcodes


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