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Printer settings


The following options are available in the general print settings:



Print mode

Configures how the print process is to be executed.

Default: The print data is transferred to the printer via signoSign/2.

Acrobat Reader: The print data is transferred to Adobe Acrobat Reader. The installation of Adobe Acrobat Reader is required.

Default: Default

Adjusting page size

Defines how the page is to be scaled on the printout. Only available if the print mode has been configured to “default.”

No adjustment: The document remains unchanged and is not enlarged or reduced in size.

Scale to print area: The document is reduced or enlarged so that it fits into the set print area and makes optimum use of the available area.

Reduce to print area: A document that is too large for the print area is reduced in size so that it fits into the set print area. Documents that do fit into the print area are not scaled.

Default: No adjustment

Printer preselection

Up to four individual printers can be configured in advance in the printer preselection.

These printers are numbered individually and, if applicable, displayed with a user-defined name in the “file” menu and optionally in the “favorites” ribbon of the software. The printers are also available for selection in the print settings of the document type.

If a printer from the preselection is used, printing takes place immediately and without an additional print dialog.



Select printer

Configures the printer to be used. All printers installed and available under Windows are available for selection.

Default: -

User-defined text

Configures a text that is used as the description for the printer in the user interface. If no user-defined text is used, “printer 1–4”" is displayed as the description.

Default: -

Show in the “favorites” ribbon

Configures whether the configured printer should be displayed in the “favorites” ribbon of the software.

Default: Deactivated

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