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Security message for device software

When the HID and WinUSB drivers are installed (“PadDrivers” feature), a Windows security message is displayed after installation is started asking you whether you are sure that you want to install the device software.

If “install” is selected, the driver is installed. If you select “do not install,” the installation of the driver is aborted and the installation of the main signoSign/2 program continues.

With the option “always trust software from signotec GmbH,” the message can be deactivated for further installations.

To suppress this security message if you are running a silent installation of signoSign/2, you will need to add the certificate used to sign the driver setup to the Windows certificate store under Trusted Publishers prior to installation. The certificate can be obtained from signotec GmbH on request or you can extract it from the setup yourself. To import the certificate, the command prompt can be used with the following command:

certutil -addstore -f "TrustedPublisher" "zertifikat.cer"

After installing the certificate, the computer must be restarted, as the certificate is only finally integrated after the restart.

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