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signoSign/Universal settings

signoSign/2 offers integration of the web-based solution signoSign/Universal. This connection makes it possible to share documents directly from signoSign/2 with external persons for signing. For more complex processes, signoSign/Universal workflows can also be used to share one or more documents with one or more people—simultaneously or in a specific order.

Further information can be found on the product page at

The use of signoSign/Universal requires an additional license. This is explicitly not part of the signoSign/2 software.

Further settings, such as color and logo, can be defined via the signoSign/Universal web portal.

General settings

The following configurations can be made in the general settings:



Use signoSign/Universal

Configures whether the connection to signoSign/Universal should be used.

After activation, additional functions are available via the “signoSign/Universal” ribbon.

The functions can be individually shown or hidden or renamed via the user interface settings.

You can use the document types to make many other settings for signoSign/Universal, e.g. change the file names when uploading or pre-configure the e-mail texts.

Please note that the combination of signoSign/2 and signoSign/Universal requires certain constellations of version numbers. A new signoSign/2 version is not necessarily compatible with old signoSign/Universal versions. It is strongly recommended that you always check that both products are up to date when updating.

Default: Deactivated

URL of the signoSign/Universal Server

Defines the URL under which the signoSign/Universal Server can be reached.

The signotec cloud system is stored as standard. Alternatively, other server instances— including on-premises— can also be configured.


Login name and password

Configures the user name and password for logging in to signoSign/Universal.

These settings are saved on a user-specific basis and must be stored by the user on each workstation.

Default value: empty

E-mail sending

Determines how e-mails are sent when a document is shared.

signoSign/2: The e-mail is sent via the route configured in the e-mail settings of signoSign/2.

signoSign/Universal: The e-mails are sent via the signoSign/Universal e-mail service.

This setting affects the sharing of individual documents. For technical reasons, workflows are always sent via signoSign/Universal.

Default: signoSign/2

Notification of completed documents

Determines whether signoSign/2 provides notification of the completion of shared documents and workflows.

Activated: signoSign/2 sends a push notification and displays an icon in the toolbar when finished documents are available for download in signoSign/Universal.

Deactivated: signoSign/2 does not automatically provide notification of the completion of shared documents.

Default: Deactivated

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