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SML files

SML files (*.sml) can be used to open one or more PDF documents with signoSign/2 and to transfer information such as document type and placeholders for these documents. The structure and content of these files are based on an XML structure.

To open documents, the SML file must be opened with signoSign/2 and contain at least one reference to a document.

If the document type is defined in the SML file, the automatic check by signoSign/2 is omitted. If the document type is not defined, the document type is identified as usual using the identification terms of the document types.

In addition, predefined values for the placeholders can be stored in the SML file without signoSign/2 having to read them from the document. If placeholders have already been defined for the corresponding document type, they will be overwritten by the placeholders entered in the SML file. Placeholders not specified in the SML file are determined by signoSign/2 as usual.

Example structure of an SML file

The following example explains the structure of an SML file.

  • “signotec” is used as the ROOT element in which any number of “‘open” elements can be embedded.

  • The “file” element can be used to define a document, with name and path, which should be opened.

  • An “open” element can contain any number of “file” elements.

  • In the “values” element, the document type can be defined using the “DocType” element and the placeholders using the “Variable1” to “Variable30” element.

  • Only one “values” element may be defined for each “open” element, in which the “DocType” and “VariableX” elements may also only be defined once. The “DeleteAfterOpen” element can also be defined. If it is set to “true,” the SML file is deleted after the documents are opened.

Note that the elements of the SML files are case-sensitive!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
			<Variable1>18,96 €</Variable1>
			<Variable3>John Doe</Variable3>

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