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signotec Delta - user manual

This user manual contains detailed information about the installation and setup of the signotec signature pad. The following sections describe the device itself, as well as how to install, configure and properly maintain the device.

In addition to the user manual, signotec also provides further information such as product descriptions and technical data sheets online. For additional downloads and information, please contact your dealer or visit

Initial start-up and installation of drivers alone does not indicate that all device functions will be enabled. To use the signature pad, you also need software that interacts with the device. You can use the signotec standard software products if you do not have software that supports the signotec signature pad. An overview of signotec products is available online at .

Please read this user manual carefully before installing and using the device to ensure that you handle it safely. If you are unsure how to handle the device, please contact technical support.


signotec Delta signature pad

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