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Installing SlideShow

System requirements

The system and software requirements are described below.

Operating systems

SlideShow can run on the following operating systems:

  • Windows 10 and later

  • Windows Server 2016 and later

.NET framework

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 is required to install the signotec SlideShow.

If this package is not on your system, it will be installed automatically from the Internet. Alternatively, the framework can be downloaded manually from Microsoft in advance.


For communication with the signature devices, SlideShow requires Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) 10. If they are not on your system, they will be installed automatically from the Internet. Alternatively, the runtimes can be downloaded manually from Microsoft in advance.

Standard installation

Please run the signotec_SlideShow_X.X.X.exe setup as an administrator. If you have activated User Account Control, please confirm the following prompt by clicking “Yes”.

After confirmation, the installation will be prepared and you will be shown a welcome screen. Please click “Next”.

The licensing agreement then appears. Please read it carefully and confirm by selecting “I accept the terms in the licensing agreement.” Please click “Next”.

In the next step, you can change the storage location for the installation files. To do this, click “Change…” A new window opens to allow you to change the folder. If you are satisfied with the installation location, click “Next”.

Now you can specify the type of installation. “Complete” installs both program elements, and selecting “Custom” allows you to define whether only SlideShow-Manager or only SlideShow-Client is to be installed. Once you have made your selection, please click “Next”.

If you selected “Custom,” you can now exclude individual components from the installation or re-add them. Click the “Help” button for a detailed description of how to exclude elements from the installation or re-add them. Then please click “Next”.

Then, all you need to do is start the installation. To do this, click “Install”.

Click “Finish” to complete the installation.

Silent installation

You can also perform the installation without user interaction. To do so, launch the command prompt (cmd) as an administrator and run the following command:

"Pfad\signotec_SlideShow_X.X.X.exe” /s /v" INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files (x86)\signotec\" /qn"

If you want to install only SlideShow-Manager or only SlideShow-Client, you can use “ADDLOCAL” to define this. Please observe the use of upper and lower case in the feature names.

"Pfad\signotec_SlideShow_X.X.X.exe” /s /v" INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files (x86)\signotec\" ADDLOCAL=SlideShowManager /qn"
"Pfad\signotec_SlideShow_X.X.X.exe” /s /v" INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files (x86)\signotec\" ADDLOCAL=SlideShowClient /qn"

After the installation has been successfully completed, you can close the command prompt.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.