Configure database
To use signoSign/Universal, it is necessary to connect a database. This is required for the following functions in particular:
Saving templates and documents (e.g. by using Document Pool)
Sharing documents (sharing cases)
Storing keystores
Creating audit logs
H2 database (standard)
signoSign/Universal uses an H2 database by default. This database is started together with the signoSign/Universal application or is created automatically the first time the application is launched (if not available).
The path where the H2 database is created can be defined in the settings. The “connectionurl” can be freely defined for this purpose in the Hibernate Connector settings under “".
The following default settings of signoSign/Universal create the H2 database in the executing directory of the server:
Please note that the server (e.g. Apache Tomcat) requires sufficient rights to store or manage a database file on the configured path.
The H2 database is only suitable for very simple applications and especially for test purposes. It is strongly recommended to use an external, manageable database. Using the H2 database can lead to performance and compatibility problems in the long term!
Connecting an external database
If the H2 database is not to be used, another Hibernate-compatible database (for example, MySQL or PostgreSQL) can also be connected. To do this, the Hibernate Connector settings in the “” must be adjusted and the corresponding database API must be made available (similar to the Java 11 patch). You can find more detailed information about this in the technical documentation.
Example using a MySQL: