General settings
The following configuration options are available in the general settings of a document type.
Document type
Option | Description |
Name | Any name for the document type as displayed in the software. The name is used for display and administrative purposes and has no technical effect. |
Description | Any description of the document type. The description is used for administrative purposes and is only displayed in document type administration. |
Template file | The template file of the document type is used for administration and is displayed, for example, when defining the identification terms, signature fields and placeholders. This PDF file is saved with a unique ID as the name in the “” under “%PROGRAMDATA%\signotec\signoSign2” when the document type is created. The default path may differ if the directory for the document types setting has been configured differently. If no template file is stored, not all configuration settings for the document type are available. |
Use document type | Defines whether the document type is to be used. Activated: The document type is taken into account and used following recognition. Deactivated: The document type is not used and is displayed in the list in gray font. Default value: Activated The document type “All other documents” is required for technical reasons and cannot be deactivated. |
Identification terms
Document types are recognized on the basis of “identification terms Identification terms are words or phrases that must be contained in the document for the document type to be used. Any number of identification terms can be defined. All search terms must be included in the document. It is not sufficient for the search if, for example, two out of three identification terms match. In other words, there is an “and” link between the search terms.
When a new document type is created, this field is outlined in red, as this is the main setting for the automatic recognition of the document type. However, this is not a mandatory setting. A document type can also be configured without identification terms. Such document types are suitable for manual assignment via an interface (SML files) or, for example, for resubmission in collections.
It should be noted that identification terms must be unique. The terms should only apply to the corresponding document type so that signoSign/2 can differentiate or recognize the affiliation. Generic words or the company name are not suitable for reliably recognizing a document type.
Add identification term
The configured identification terms are displayed in a list. In addition to the list, the following functions are available:
A new identification term can be added using the “+” icon next to the list.
The settings for an already configured identification term can be edited using the “pen” icon.
The “trash” icon deletes the configuration of the selected identification term.
If the configuration of a new identification term is started via the “+” icon, a new window opens with the following options.
Area | Description |
Left: Preview of the document | The preview of the document or the configured template file is displayed on the left-hand side. |
Right: Extracted text | The raw text that signoSign/2 has extracted from the template file is displayed on the right-hand side. If no text or cryptic special characters are displayed, the source file technically does not contain any text. In this case, a template file with searchable text must be stored. |
Bottom: Configuration of the search term | The search term, type and page are displayed in the lower part of the window. Search term: Selected or entered search term. The adjacent “magnifying glass” icon can be used to search for the search term in the document. The found term is highlighted in the preview. Type: Defines whether the search term can appear on any page, or must appear on a specific page or on the last page of the document. Page: Shows on which page the search term was found or must be found. This setting is only active for the “specific page” type. The page number cannot be entered manually. Instead, the search term must be entered and the desired position must be found via the search in the document. |
Define search terms
The desired search term or text phrase can be highlighted in the extracted text. The selected text is inserted into the “search term” field at the bottom of the window.
As an alternative to selecting a term, the text can also be entered in the “search term” field and searched for manually in the document by clicking the magnifying glass.
The software then highlights the first position found for the search term in the document preview. By clicking the magnifying glass next to the search term, you can search for and highlight the next occurrence of the search term in the document.
With the “any page” or “last page” type, however, the exact position of the configured search term is irrelevant.
For the “specific page” type, the search function must be used to find the desired position or page for the search term in the document. The page number cannot be entered manually.
Search terms should consist of individual words or small text phrases. Highlighting longer paragraphs over several lines can lead to the search term not being recognized as desired and prevent the document type from being used.
If the term is contained in the document, the identification term can be saved by clicking “OK.” Click “cancel” to discard the changes you have made.
Document processing
The following options are available in the “document processing” area.
Option | Description |
Resizing on opening | Defines whether the display of the document should be adjusted when it is opened. No adjustment: The display of the document remains unchanged. Scale to page width: The display of the document is zoomed to the page width after opening. Scale to page height: The document display is zoomed to the page height after opening. Default value: No adjustment |
After opening the document | Defines what should happen after the document is opened. Do nothing: The document is opened and displayed. No further actions are performed. Edit form fields: After the document is opened, form mode is started so that existing form fields can be edited. If the document does not contain any form fields, form mode is not started. Instead, nothing is done. Start signing: After the document is opened, the signing process is started automatically, as if the “sign” tool were being used. Capture signature manually: After the document is opened, the “create signature field” tool is automatically preselected so that it is immediately possible to manually create signature fields in the document.. Start scanning: After the document is opened, the scanning process is started immediately as if the “scan” tool were being used. Archive immediately: After the document is opened, the archiving process is started immediately as if the “archive” tool were being used. All other document editing settings are deactivated accordingly. Immediate archiving can only take place if the archiving settings allow it. The option “Only allow archiving when all signature fields have been signed” should not be used. Close immediately: After opening, the document is closed without prompting. All other settings under document processing are deactivated accordingly. Print: After the document is opened, it is printed immediately in accordance with the print settings. If nothing is configured in the print settings, the standard print dialog is displayed. Print and close: After the document is opened, it is immediately printed in accordance with the print settings and then closed. If nothing is configured in the print settings, the standard print dialog is displayed. Upload file to signoSign/Universal: After the document is opened, it is immediately uploaded to signoSign/Universal as if the “upload file to signoSign/Universal” tool were being used. Please note the settings in the “signoSign/Universal” area of the document type. Share file with signoSign/Universal: After the document is opened, it is immediately shared with signoSign/Universal as if the “share file with signoSign/Universal” tool were being used. Please note the settings in the “signoSign/Universal” area of the document type. A user license is required for the use of signoSign/Universal. The access data must be stored in the signoSign/2 settings. Default value: Edit form fields |
Delete XFDF files after opening | Defines whether a XFDF file should be deleted after opening the document, if one is present. Activated: The XFDF file is deleted from the source directory after opening. Deactivated: The XFDF file is not deleted after opening and remains unchanged in the source directory. Default value: Activated |
Back up and restore incompletely processed documents | Defines whether a backup should be created after the document is opened. Activated: A backup is created when the document is opened. If the original document is archived, the backup file is also deleted. If the original document is closed without archiving, the backup is retained and is automatically restored the next time signoSign/2 is started. If there are several backups in the relevant directory, all backed-up files are opened automatically. The backups of the files are created under %APPDATA%\signotec\signoSign2\Backup. The directory is not configurable and is automatically created by signoSign/2 if it does not exist. The name of the backup is made up of the name of the original document (max. 30 characters) and a GUID. For example: Test_450f7d86-3f4b-460d-959b-c82db4f190a8.sbf. Deactivated: No backups of the files are created. Default value: Deactivated |
Only allow existing signature fields to be signed | Defines whether only the existing signature fields may be signed. Activated: Only the signature fields present in the document or generated by the document type may be signed. The manual addition of signature fields is deactivated. Deactivated: Any number of additional signature fields can be added to the document manually. Default value: Deactivated |
Allow filling out of signed documents | Defines whether form fields may still be filled in after the document has been signed. Activated: Unlocked form fields can still be filled in after signing. Deactivated: Form fields can no longer be filled in in signed documents. The PDF standard allows form fields that are not locked to be filled in even after a signature has been made. These changes are documented in the signature history as permitted subsequent changes and do not lead to invalid signatures. Whether form fields are locked can be configured via complex settings in the signature field (“lock dictionary”) and must be made by the form creator. In signoSign/2, the “lock form fields” setting in the signature field settings can be used to additionally set the locking of form fields, e.g. to always lock all form fields. In addition, this setting can be used to prevent signed documents from being filled in, regardless of the technical locking of the fields in the document. Default value: Activated |
Automatically launch archiving after signing process | Defines whether the document should be archived automatically after the signing process. This option requires that the signing process is started via the “sign” tool or the option “after opening the document: start signing process” was started. Signing individual signature fields does not lead to automatic archiving. Automatic archiving after the signing process can only be started if the conditions from the “archiving” → “general” section are also met. These are the options “only allow archiving when all signature fields have been signed” or “only allow archiving with minimum number of signatures.” Default value: Deactivated |
After closing the document | Defines which action is to be performed after the document is closed. The document can be closed via the “X” icon in the tab of the open document or by closing the signoSign/2 application. The following options are available: Prompt to save: When the document is closed, the user is asked whether the document should be saved if changes have been made to the document. The user has the choice of saving the document or closing it unsaved. If no changes have been made to the document, the document is closed without prompting. Prompt to save as…: When the document is closed, the user is asked whether the document should be saved if changes have been made to the document. The user has the choice of saving the document by selecting a storage location and a (new) file name, or closing the document without saving it. If no changes have been made to the document, the document is closed without prompting. Prompt to save in resubmission: If the use of resubmission is activated in the configuration settings in the “resubmission” area and also for the document type in the “resubmission” area, the user receives a prompt to save to resubmission if a change has been made to the document. If no changes have been made to the document, the document is closed without prompting. If the above requirements are not met in the configuration or in the document type, the option is shown with a red border. Prompt to archive: With this option, the user is always asked whether the document should be archived according to the archiving settings, regardless of whether changes have been made to the document. If archiving fails, the user receives an error message. Archive automatically: When the document is closed, it is archived without prompting in accordance with the archiving settings. If archiving fails, the user receives an error message. Default value: Prompt to save |
Insert content after the document is opened
In this area, you can set certain content to be inserted into the document automatically after it is opened. Any amount of content can be defined for insertion. The individual content elements may contain text and/or images.
Please note that PDF/A-1b-compliant documents lose their compliance if images and/or text with a transparent background is inserted.
The configured content is displayed in a list. In addition to the list, the following functions are available:
The configuration of new content is started via the “+” icon.
The settings for content that has already been configured can be edited using the “pen” icon.
The “trash” icon deletes the configuration of the selected content.
If the configuration of new content is started via the “+” icon, a new window opens with the following options.
Option | Description |
Name | Defines the name for the content. This name is for administrative purposes only and has no further effect. |
Image file | Defines an image file to be inserted into the document. The “…” button opens a selection dialog to select an image file (PNG, JPG, BMP or GIF) from the file system. After the desired file is selected, the file name including path is entered. Either an image or text must be configured. Image and text can also be combined. |
Scaling | Defines whether the selected image should be scaled. Maintain aspect ratio: The image is inserted into the document with its original aspect ratio. Scale image to border: The image is scaled to the border that was defined with the “set position” option. Default value: Maintain aspect ratio |
Text | Defines text that is to be inserted into the document. The desired text can be entered without restriction. A selection of variables and placeholders is also available via the “+” icon. Either an image or text must be configured. Image and text can also be combined. |
Font | Defines the font for the configured text. |
Font size | Defines the font size of the configured text. Automatic: The font size is determined automatically based on the configured border. Fixed font size: As an alternative to the “automatic” option, the desired font size can be selected. |
Background color | Defines the background color for the configured text. The background color selection is not available if an image has been configured. In this case, the image is the background. Default value: Transparent |
Font color | Defines the font color of the configured text. Default value: Black |
Set position… | The “Set position...” button opens another configuration window to define the position of the configured content. The positioning of content is described in the following section. The button is only available if image and/or text has been configured. |
Position content via “set position…”
The desired position of the configured content in the document can be defined via the “set position” configuration window.
The following setting options are available for this purpose.
Area | Description |
Left: Preview of the document | The preview of the document or the configured template file is displayed on the left-hand side. |
Right: Extracted text | The raw text that signoSign/2 has extracted from the template file is displayed on the right-hand side. If no text or cryptic special characters are displayed, the source file technically does not contain any text. In this case, a template file with searchable text must be stored. |
Bottom: Area for configuring the position | The positioning of the content can be defined in the lower area. A distinction is made between “relative” and “absolute” positioning. Relative positioning: “Relative positioning” can be used to configure the content to be inserted into the document in a relative manner, i.e. dependent on a text. The search term is defined, along with the offset (left, right) and the size of the content (width, height). In addition, the “occurrence” option can be used to specify whether a specific (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) occurrence of the search term should be used, or every occurrence. The use of relative positioning is described in the following section. Absolute positioning: “Absolute positioning” can be used to configure the content to be inserted at an absolute, i.e. fixed, position. The number of pages, the position (distance left, distance top) and the size (width, height) can be specified. The use of absolute positioning is described in the following section. |
Relative positioning of the content in the document
If relative positioning is to be used, the “relative positioning” option must be activated.
The desired search term or text phrase can then be highlighted in the extracted text. The selected text is automatically inserted into the “search term” field at the bottom of the window. As an alternative to highlighting a term, the text can also be entered in the “search term” field and searched for manually in the document by clicking the magnifying glass next to the input field.
Another click on the magnifying glass allows you to search for the next occurrence of the search term in the document. This also adjusts the value for “occurrence.” With “use all occurrences,” the content is inserted at all occurrences of the search term.
After selecting the search term, a blue border with a standard size is inserted in the document preview. The configured content is later inserted into this border. The size and position of the border can be changed with the mouse in the preview. This changes the values for the position (“offset left” and “offset up”) and the size (“width” and “height”). If required, the values can also be adjusted directly in the input fields.
Thanks to the technical extraction of the text, the software also recognizes text that is used “white on white.” Search terms can therefore also be inserted into forms “invisibly.”
Search terms should be unique. Common words such as “signature” may occur frequently in running text and cause the positioning not to work as desired.
Search terms should consist of individual words or small text phrases. Highlighting longer paragraphs (especially over several lines) can lead to the search term not being recognized as desired.
Absolute positioning of the content in the document
If absolute positioning is to be used, the “absolute positioning” option must be activated. The option is preselected by default.
After activation, a blue border with a standard size is inserted in the top left-hand corner of the document in the preview. The configured content is later inserted into this border.
By entering the desired page number in the “page” field, the content to be inserted can be positioned on the desired page of the document. The border moves to the respective page. If a page number is entered that does not exist in the template file, no preview is displayed.
The size and position of the border can be changed with the mouse in the preview. This changes the values for the position (“left” and “top” distances) and the size (“width” and “height”). If required, the values can also be adjusted directly in the input fields.
Split documents
If signoSign/2 is used to process multi-page documents that contain different document types, the application can split the multi-page document according to certain rules. The documents split up in this way are processed according to the rules stored for each recognized document type.
The function is suitable, for example, for use cases in which the print process in the source system generates several documents belonging to a single process in one step, but these documents are to be processed individually.
The function is activated by the “split documents of this type” checkbox. The following setting options are available:
Option | Description |
Split type | Defines how the document is to be split. Fixed number of pages: If this option is selected, the document is truncated after a fixed number of pages. The desired number can be entered in the “number of pages” field. The following pages are treated as a new document. Number of pages from the document: The number of pages that the document is to be split up into is determined from the document. The number is determined using the “...” button in the “number from document” area. This area becomes visible after selecting the option. The extraction of the page number from the document is described in the following section. Search term not found: The document is split as soon as a defined search term is no longer found on the page. A text is defined as a “search term” using the “...” button in the “search term” area. This area becomes visible after selecting the option. The definition of the search term is described in the following section. If a document is to be split several times, it must be ensured that the split document can be assigned to a new document type, which in turn carries out the next split. |
Name of the split document | Defines the name of the derived document. The desired text can be entered without restriction. A selection of variables and placeholders is also available via the “+” icon. If “%docTypeName%” is selected as the variable for the name of the document type, this variable refers to the name of the originally recognized document type and not to the document type name for the split document. |
Split by “number of pages from document”
This option splits the document according to a number of pages that is dynamically read from the document.
The number of pages for splitting the document is read from the document using a rule. This can be done, for example, via the text “page 1 of ‘X’” in the document, with “X” read as a placeholder in order to split the document after this amount of pages.
Click “…” next to the “number from document” field to start configuring the number. The configuration is identical to the configuration of a placeholder and is explained in the “placeholder” section.
Split by “search term not found”
This option splits the document as soon as a certain search term is no longer found on a page.
Click “…” next to the “search term” field to start the configuration of the desired term. The configuration is identical to the document’s identification terms.