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Signature fields

All settings for the signature items and signature capture can be made in the “signature fields” area. In particular, this includes the number and position of signatures for the automatic positioning of signature fields, display and confirmation texts as well as signature additions (timestamp) and the locking of form fields after the signature.

Global signature field settings

The global signature field settings contain all settings that initially apply globally to all signature fields of the selected document type. This applies both to empty signature fields in the document and to signature fields generated by signoSign/2. Many of these settings can be adopted or overwritten during automatic signature field creation in the configuration of the individual signature fields.

The following settings and options are available:



Time stamp in signature

Determines whether a timestamp should be displayed in the signature fields in addition to the signature. Various shorter and longer formats are available in the drop-down list.

The timestamp corresponds to the date and time at which the signature field was signed. The time is determined taking into account the origin of signature time setting.

If the “do not display” option is used, no timestamp is displayed visually.

Regardless of this setting, each digital signature contains a technical timestamp that is displayed via the signature information. This option only affects the visual display in the signature field.

Default value: Do not display

Color of signature additions

Specifies the color in which the signature additions are to be inserted. The color can be specified individually.

The “signature additions” include the timestamp and the entry from the setting “Show one piece of information in the signature dialog” → “Allow the input of additional information during signing.”

Default value: Dark gray (#808080)

Alignment of signature additions

Defines how the signature additions are to be aligned within the signature field.

Left-aligned: The signature additions are aligned to the left edge of the signature field.

Centered: The signature additions are centered in the signature field.

Right-aligned: The signature additions are aligned to the right-hand edge of the signature field.

The signature additions are always aligned at the bottom of the signature field to ensure the best possible legibility of the signature.

Default value: Left-aligned

Lock form fields

Defines the extent to which any electronic form fields (excluding signature fields) are locked with the first signature in the document. Locked form fields can no longer be changed.

All: The signature locks all form fields in the document, regardless of the settings in the document.

As defined in the document: The signature locks all form fields that are defined in the document or within the signature field.

Filled and defined in the document: The signature locks all form fields that are defined in the document or within the signature field. In addition, all completed form fields are locked.

The definition in the document is made via special settings within the signature fields, the so-called “lock dictionary.” This cannot be edited via signoSign/2 and requires a professionally created PDF form.

Default value: As defined in the document

Biometric data

Configures whether the biometric data of the signature (X, Y, Z coordinates as well as time and pressure) should be saved in the document in encrypted form. This data is stored for later proof that the signature was provided by the signatory.

Use configured setting: The signature is captured using the option in the general signature settings.

Collect and save: The biometric data of the signature is stored in the document in encrypted form.

Do not collect and save: The biometric data is not stored in the document.

Default value: Use configured setting

Use interactive signing mode (if supported by the signature device)

Defines whether the interactive signing mode should be used if it is supported by the signature device used.

Activated: The entire document is displayed on the signature device and enables comprehensive control via the input on the signature device.

Deactivated: The normal signing mode is used.

If the interactive signing mode is activated and no compatible signature device is configured, the normal signing mode is automatically used and this setting is ignored.

This mode is currently only compatible with the signotec Delta signature pad.

Default value: Activated

Use static instead of virtual signature fields

Determines whether signature fields should also be inserted blank into the document and saved with the document.

Activated: Signature fields created with signoSign/2 are also inserted blank into the document and saved together with the document.

Deactivated: Signature fields created with signoSign/2 are only available “virtually” within signoSign/2 and are not saved empty in the document.

This setting is particularly suitable for combining with other products, such as signoSign/Universal.

A different rule can also be configured for each signature field via the specific settings of a signature field.

Default value: Activated

Global definition of texts for the signing process

Settings for the display of texts and confirmation dialogs during the signing process can be made in this area. This applies both to empty signature fields in the document and to signature fields generated by signoSign/2. Many of these settings can be adopted or overwritten during automatic signature field creation in the configuration of the individual signature fields.



Display an information in the capture dialog

Determines whether information is to be displayed in the dialog on the PC during signature capture.

If this option is activated, further settings become visible.

Text field: Contains the information to be displayed to the user on the computer. The content can be entered manually. Variables and placeholders are also available via the “+” icon next to the text field.

Default value: Deactivated

Allow the input of additional information during signing:

This option is only visible if “show information in signature dialog” is activated.

If this setting is activated, the user can enter additional information in a text field in the signature dialog on the computer. This information is displayed as a signature addition in the signature field. It can contain the name of the signatory, for example.

The following options are available:

Default for input: Defines the default text for the input. This information can be entered manually. In addition, variables and placeholders are available via the “+” icon next to the text field, e.g. a name that has been extracted from the document in advance. The input can be adjusted by the user in the signature dialog on the computer.

Store in field: Determines whether the information is to be stored as a technical value in the signature. The fields “reason,” “place,” “contact information” and “name” are available. The information can be taken later from the details of the digital signature. If “none” is selected, this information is not additionally saved.

If several pieces of information are to be configured and saved in one field, the same field cannot be used.

The entry of additional information is mandatory: Specifies that the entry is a mandatory field. If this option is activated and no information has been entered, the signature cannot be confirmed.

A text must be confirmed in the pad before the signing process

This option configures a confirmation dialog. The configured text is displayed on the signature device before the signature and must be explicitly confirmed via the device. If the information is not confirmed, no signature is captured.

If this option is activated, further settings become visible.

Text field: Contains the information to be displayed to the signatory on the signature pad. The content can be entered manually. Variables and placeholders are also available via the “+” icon next to the text field.

Store in field: Determines whether the information is to be stored as a technical value in the signature. The fields “reason,” “place,” “contact information” and “name” are available. The information can be taken later from the details of the digital signature. If “none” is selected, this information is not additionally saved.

If several pieces of information are to be configured and saved in one field, the same field cannot be used.

Default value: Deactivated

Display following text during signature capture

Defines whether information should be displayed on the signature device while the signature is being captured.

If this option is activated, further settings become visible.

Use field name: With this option, the name of the signature field is displayed on the signature device during signature capture. If this option is activated, the other options are deactivated.

Text field: Contains the information to be displayed to the signatory on the signature pad. The content can be entered manually. Variables and placeholders are also available via the “+” icon next to the text field.

Store in field: Determines whether the information is to be stored as a technical value in the signature. The fields “reason,” “place,” “contact information” and “name” are available. The information can be taken later from the details of the digital signature. If “none” is selected, this information is not additionally saved.

If several pieces of information are to be configured and saved in one field, the same field cannot be used.

Default value: Deactivated

Define signature fields

Settings for the automatic creation of signature fields can be made in the “define signature fields” area. This means that signature fields can be automatically inserted into dynamically generated documents without the user having to create them in the document manually. In addition, individual settings can be made for each signature field that differ from the global signature field settings. In this way, different confirmation texts can be displayed for different signatories, for example.

Adding signature fields

The configured signature fields are displayed in a list. In addition to the list, the following functions are available:

  • A new signature field can be added using the ““ icon next to the list.

  • The settings for a signature field that has already been configured can be edited using the “pen” icon.

  • The “trash“ icon deletes the configuration of the selected signature field.

  • The signature field can be moved up or down using the “arrow” icons. The sorting influences the order in which the signature fields are jumped to when using the “sign” tool.

If the configuration of a new signature field is started via the “+” icon, a new window opens with the following options:



Left: Preview of the document

The preview of the document or the configured template file is displayed on the left-hand side.

Right: Extracted text

The raw text that signoSign/2 has extracted from the template file is displayed on the right-hand side.

If no text or cryptic special characters are displayed, the source file technically does not contain any text. In this case, a template file with searchable text must be stored.

Bottom: Positioning the signature field

The signature field is positioned in the lower part of the window.

Relative positioning: “Relative positioning” can be used to configure the content to be inserted into the document in a relative manner, i.e. dependent on a text. The search term is defined, along with the offset (left, right) and the size of the content (width, height). In addition, the “occurrence” option can be used to specify whether a specific (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) occurrence of the search term should be used, or every occurrence. The use of relative positioning is described in the following section.

Absolute positioning: “Absolute positioning” can be used to configure the content to be inserted at an absolute, i.e. fixed, position. The number of pages, the position (distance left, distance top) and the size (width, height) can be specified. The use of absolute positioning is described in the following section.

Default value: Relative positioning

Signature field with relative position

With the relative positioning of a signature field, the position is determined dynamically on the basis of a search term in the document. The great advantage of a dynamic position is that the other content of the document can be changed in almost any way without negatively affecting the positioning of the signature field. If, for example, the content in front of the signature becomes longer and the signature field moves to another page as a result, the software recognizes the position automatically.

If relative positioning is to be used, the “relative positioning” option must be activated.

The desired search term or text phrase can then be highlighted in the extracted text. The selected text is automatically inserted into the “search term” field at the bottom of the window. As an alternative to highlighting a term, the text can also be entered in the “search term” field and searched for manually in the document by clicking the magnifying glass next to the input field.

Another click on the magnifying glass allows you to search for the next occurrence of the search term in the document. This also adjusts the value for “occurrence.” With “use all occurrences,” the content is inserted at all occurrences of the search term.

After selecting the search term, a blue border with a standard size is inserted in the document preview. This border represents the subsequent signature field. The size and position of the border can be changed with the mouse in the preview. This changes the values for the position (“offset left” and “offset up”) and the size (“width” and “height”). If required, the values can also be adjusted directly in the input fields.

If the position is confirmed, another window opens with further signature field settings.

Thanks to the technical extraction of the text, the software also recognizes text that is used “white on white.” Search terms can therefore also be inserted into forms “invisibly.”

Search terms should be unique. Common words such as “signature” may occur frequently in running text and cause the positioning not to work as desired.

Search terms should consist of individual words or small text phrases. Highlighting longer paragraphs (especially over several lines) can lead to the search term not being recognized as desired.

Signature field with absolute position

If absolute positioning is to be used, the “absolute positioning” option must be activated. The option is preselected by default.

After activation, a blue border with a standard size is inserted in the top left-hand corner of the document in the preview. The configured content is later inserted into this border.

By entering the desired page number in the “page” field, the content to be inserted can be positioned on the desired page of the document. The border moves to the respective page. If a page number is entered that does not exist in the template file, no preview is displayed.

The size and position of the border can be changed with the mouse in the preview. This changes the values for the position (“left” and “top” distances) and the size (“width” and “height”). If required, the values can also be adjusted directly in the input fields.

If the position is confirmed, another window opens with further signature field settings.

Signature field settings

If the position of a newly configured signature field is confirmed or the “pen” icon is used in the list of configured signature fields, a new window opens with the signature field settings for the selected signature field.


The following options are available in the general settings:



Field name

Specifies the name to be given to the configured signature field in the document.

Timestamp in the signature

Optionally overwrites the global setting for the use of the timestamp.

Default value: Use global setting

Individual color for signature additions

Optionally overwrites the global setting for the color of the signature additions.

Default value: Deactivated (global setting)

Alignment of signature additions

Optionally overwrites the global setting for the alignment of the signature additions

Default value: Use global setting

Mandatory field

Defines whether the configured signature field is a mandatory field.

Activated: The signature field is declared as a mandatory field.

Deactivated: The signature field is declared as an optional field.

Default value: Deactivated

In the case of dual-pad operation, capture the signature on the second pad

Defines whether the signature capture for this signature field should be started on the second signature device automatically when two signature devices are used.

Activated: Signature capture is started on the second signature device.

Deactivated: Signature capture is started on the first signature device.

If two signature devices are used, the device used can be switched by the user in the signature dialog on the PC regardless of this setting.

Default value: Deactivated

Rotate the display on the signature pad by 180°

Determines whether the display on the signature pad should be rotated by 180° for this signature. This option is suitable for applications where two people sitting opposite each other need to sign without having to turn the signature pad.

This option only works with signature pads. The display cannot be rotated manually by the user.

Default value: Deactivated

Insertion into the PDF

Determines whether signature fields should also be inserted into the document statically (and therefore potentially also blank) and saved with the document.

Use global setting: The global setting of the document type is used.

Static field: The signature field is inserted into the document statically and saved together with the document, even if it is empty.

Virtual field: The signature field is inserted into the document virtually. The signature field is only available within signoSign/2 and is not saved empty in the document.

The signature field is inserted into the document statically and saved together with the document, even if it is empty.

Using static signature fields is recommended for the combination with signoSign/Universal.

Default value: Use global setting

Display an information in the capture dialog

In this area, the global settings for the display of information in the signature dialog on the computer can be overwritten.

The same options are available as for the global configuration.

Default value: Use global setting

A text must be confirmed in the pad before the signing process

In this area, the global settings for confirming a text on the signature device can be overwritten.

In addition to the global settings, the “custom pad display” option is available, which is described in the following section.

Default value: Use global setting

Display a text during signature capture

In this area, the global settings for the display of information during signature capture on the signature device can be overwritten.

In addition to the global settings, the “custom pad display” option is available, which is described in the following section.

Custom pad display

The “use custom pad display” option is available for certain displays in the signature field settings. This setting makes it possible to configure a completely user-defined display on the signature pad, e.g. with your own background image as well as static and dynamic text displays in a specific font size and color.

This option is only available for the signotec signature pads signotec Omega, signotec Gamma and signotec Delta.

If this option is selected, a “configure” button is activated next to the option, which opens the configuration of the display in a new window.



Top: WYSIWYG editor for the display

A WYSIWYG editor is available at the top of the window. Text can be added at any point by clicking in this area.

The content can be entered manually. Variables and placeholders are also available via the “+” icon next to the text field. The Enter or Tab key can be used to insert breaks and tab stops to position the text.

Bottom: Settings for the display

Further settings for the display are available in the lower area.

Image file: Configures a customized background image that is displayed on the signature pad. This can be, for example, a signature dialog in your own corporate design.

The graphic used must be available in the resolution of the signature pad display. For an optimal display, 52 pixels should be deducted for the height of the button bar. This results in the following resolutions:

  • Omega: 640 x 428 pixels

  • Gamma: 800 x 428 pixels

  • Delta: 1280 x 748 pixels

Font: Defines the font in which the text is to be shown on the display.
Default: Arial

Font size: Defines the font size with which the text is to be shown on the display.
Default: 12

Font color: Specifies the color in which the text is to be shown on the display.
Default: Black

Scale dialog for: Defines which signature pad the scaling of the dialog (editor) applies to. The editor displays the resolution of the signature pad in its original size (1:1).
Default: signotec Gamma

It is not possible to configure multiple displays for different models. To ensure an error-free display on the pad, the model used should therefore be selected.

Show grid: This option activates the display of a grid in the editor so that individual content can be aligned optimally.
Default: Deactivated


With the help of this setting, the signature field is only created if a certain condition is met.

To use conditions, the reference must first be read from the document as a placeholder. This reference can be checked against a defined value. If the condition is not met, the signature field is not created in the document.

The function is well suited to processes where multiple signatures are only required in certain situations, e.g. for contracts signed by both spouses or legal representatives (legal guardians).




Determines whether the signature field is subject to a condition.

Activated: The condition configured below must be fulfilled for the signature field to be created.

Deactivated: The field is not subject to any conditions and is always created.

Default value: Deactivated


Determines which type of condition is to be checked.

Text: The system checks whether a specific text is included.

Number: The system checks whether a certain number is present, or if a higher or lower number is present.

Age: The system checks whether a certain age is present, or if a higher or lower age is present.

The difference between “number” and “age” is that with “age” a date is used as a reference and the age of a person can be checked on a daily basis.

Default value: Text


Defines the reference value for the check. You can choose between placeholder 1 and 10.

Default value: Placeholder 1


Defines the form in which the test should take place. You can choose between “greater than,” “greater than or equal to,” “equal to,” “less than or equal to” or “less than.”

If the “text” type is selected and the “equal to” comparison is not used, an alphabetical check is carried out. The value “Düsseldorf” would be less than “Munich,” for example, as the “D” comes before the “M” in the alphabet.

Default value: Equal to


Defines a fixed value to be used to check the condition.

If “number” or “age” has been selected as the type, only a number can be entered; all other entries are not permitted.

Example: Checking an age as a condition

For example, if there is a document that cannot be signed by a minor, but must instead be signed by their legal representative, then the additional field for the legal representative should only be created in the document if the person is not yet of legal age (18 years old).

The condition check for the legal representative’s signature field could then be configured as follows:

  1. Type = age

  2. Reference = placeholder 1 with the date of birth extracted from the document

  3. Comparison = “less than”

  4. Value = 18

This configuration checks whether the date of birth contained in the document results in an age of 18 years. If the age is less than 18, the condition is fulfilled and the signature field is generated.

Overwrite configuration

Additional general configurations can be overwritten in this area.



Mode for confirmation of signatures

Defines whether the “mode for confirmation of signatures” from the global signature settings should be configured differently.

If “use configured setting” is configured, the global setting is applied.

If a different setting is configured, a different setting is used for this signature field.

Default value: Use configured setting

Configure position

This button opens the window for positioning the signature field. The position of the signature field can be configured in the same way as for the initial creation.

Configure content signing”

The button can be used to open a dialog to configure “content signing” for the current signature field.

General settings



Sign the latest version of the document

Specifies which version of the document the signature should refer to.

Activated: The signature is always provided for the latest version of the document (current hash value) including all previous signatures. This is identical to the behavior for Adobe DigSig signatures.

Deactivated: The signature always refers to the original document (original hash) without previous signatures.


If the option is activated and Mr. Mustermann signs a document of a suitable size using content signing, his signature is then visible to the next signatory. However, if the option is deactivated, the signature is not visible to subsequent signatories.

If you are signing a document which does not have a matching size, or in other words, if a document hash is used, the option will determine when a new document hash is generated. The check box is irrelevant for the first signature field, since a new document hash is always generated for the first signature field. If the option is deactivated for all other fields, this one document hash is retained, as all subsequent signatures always refer to the same original document (original hash). If the option is enabled for all following signature fields, in other words, each signature that follows relates to the latest version of the document, a new hash is generated before every signature.

Any combinations are possible. Please note the interactions with the setting “print the document when the hash value changes” in the global settings for content signing.

This setting has no influence on the validity of the individual signatures. At the end there is always a document with all the signatures.

Overwrite configuration

Other global configurations can be overwritten in this area. If individual settings are changed at this point, the content signing configurations from the global signature settings are ignored or overwritten.

Signature field groups

Signature fields can be combined and sorted into signature field groups. The sorting is independent of the sorting in the list of all signature fields and overwrites the settings there so that the order within the signature field groups applies.

Configure signature field groups

The configuration of the signature field groups can be opened by clicking the “configure signature field groups...” button below the list of configured signature fields.

A new window opens with the following settings:



Top right: Custom groups

Signature field groups can be created and sorted in the top right-hand area.

  • A new group can be created using the “+” icon. The selected name of the signature group is displayed to the users on the computer.

  • The selected group can be renamed using the “pen” icon.

  • The selected group can be deleted using the “trash” icon.

  • The arrow icons can be used to move the selected signature field group up or down in the sequence.

Bottom left: Default group

The default group contains all signature fields configured in signoSign/2.

  • Signature fields can be moved between the default group and the selected custom group using the adjacent “arrow” icons (left/right).

Bottom right: Assigned fields

This list shows all signature fields contained in the selected signature field group.

  • The signature field can be moved up or down in the order within the group using the adjacent “arrow” icons (up/down).

Signature field groups can only be used with signature fields configured in signoSign/2. If a document has existing signature fields, they are not taken into account in the configuration and are processed later via the default group.

Use signature field groups

If a document with configured signature field groups is opened and the signing process for all signature fields is started using the “sign” tool, the software first offers all signature fields in the first group in turn for signing.

As soon as all fields from the first group have been processed (signed or skipped), a dialog is displayed on the PC asking whether you want to switch to the next group or end the signing process. The user is shown the name of the previous group and the name of the next signature field group. If you continue with the next group, all fields in the next group are processed one after the other. You will then be asked again whether you want to continue or cancel. If there are groups that do not contain any (empty) signature fields, these groups are automatically skipped. If there are also signature fields that are not assigned to a group, the default group (“remaining signature fields”) is offered as the last group.

As soon as all signature field groups have been processed, the signing process is considered complete. If all groups have been edited without manually ending the signing process, the ”Automatically launch archiving after signing process” option takes effect if it is activated.

When the interactive signing mode is used, only the signature fields contained in the active signature field group are displayed in reading mode. In addition, the PC dialog offers the option of returning to normal reading mode.

Save signatures as images

Optionally, the signature images of the document type can be saved as a single file in PNG format. The files are stored in the defined directory and can be processed independently of the document if required. Furthermore, storage takes place immediately after confirmation of the signature and independently of the archiving of the document.

It must be checked in advance whether this setting is compatible with the rights and obligations in the respective application. As the manufacturer, signotec accepts no liability for any unlawful processing of personal data.

The following options are available:



Save signatures as images

Specifies whether the images of the signatures should also be saved as a separate file.

Activated: The images of the signatures are also saved as an image file.

Deactivated: The signatures are only inserted into the document and are not saved separately.

Default value: Deactivated

File name

Specifies what file name should be used for saving the images.

By default, the file is saved with the name of the signature field.

The desired file name can be entered manually. Variables and placeholders are also available via the “+” icon next to the input field.

Default value: %sigFieldName%

Custom path

Specifies whether the images should be saved in a separate path.

Activated: A custom path for saving the images can be configured. The path can be entered manually or selected using the “…” button. When entering data manually, variables and placeholders such as the user name can also be used via the “+” button next to the input field.

Deactivated: The images are saved in the archive folder of the document type.

Default value: %USERPROFILE%\Documents

Add a subfolder

This setting is only active if the “custom path” setting has been activated and defines whether a subfolder should be created in the configured path.

The name of the subfolder can be entered manually. Variables and placeholders, such as the user name, can also be used via the “+” button next to the input field.

Default value: %dateFileName%

Launch application

Defines whether an external program (*.exe) should be started after saving the image.

If activated, the application can be entered manually in the input field or selected on the computer using the “…” button.

Application parameters

This setting is only active if the “launch application” setting has been activated and defines whether additional parameters should be transferred to the application.

The parameters can be entered in the input field. Variables and placeholders are also available via the “+” icon next to the input field.

The file path is transferred by default.

If several parameters are used, they can be separated from each other by spaces.

The parameters should always be specified in quotation marks if the paths or names contain spaces.

Default value: “%sigImage%”

Save signed image instead of signature image (only “signotec content signing”)

Specifies whether the complete image should be saved instead of just the image of the signature.

Activated: The complete display of the pad, including the signature, is saved as a graphic.

Deactivated: Only the image of the signature is saved.

If content signing is not used, this setting has no effect.

Default value: Deactivated

Save biometric data to files

Optionally, the biometric data (SignData) of the signatures of the document type can be saved as a single file in signotec SDB format. The files are stored in the defined directory and can also be further processed independently of the document if required. The signotec APIs and the eSig-Analyze application, for example, are available for further processing. Furthermore, storage takes place immediately after confirmation of the signature and independently of the archiving of the document.

It must be checked in advance whether this setting is compatible with the rights and obligations in the respective application. As the manufacturer, signotec accepts no liability for any unlawful processing of personal data.

The following options are available:



Save biometric data to files

Specifies whether the biometric data of the signatures should also be saved as a separate file.

Activated: The biometric data of the signatures is also stored as files.

Deactivated: The biometric data is only inserted into the document and is not stored separately.

If a signotec signature pad with active encryption is used in the pad, the stored biometric data is RSA-encrypted and can only be used with the corresponding private key. Without using encryption in the pad, the data is symmetrically encrypted and can be further processed with the signotec APIs.

Default value: Deactivated

File name

Specifies the file name with which the biometric data is to be saved.

By default, the file is saved with the name of the signature field.

The desired file name can be entered manually. Variables and placeholders are also available via the “+” icon next to the input field.

Default value: %sigFieldName%

Custom path

Specifies whether the images should be saved in a separate path.

Activated: A custom path for saving the images can be configured. The path can be entered manually or selected using the “…” button. When entering data manually, variables and placeholders such as the user name can also be used via the “+” button next to the input field.

Deactivated: The images are saved in the archive folder of the document type.

Default value: %USERPROFILE%\Documents

Add a subfolder

This setting is only active if the “custom path” setting has been activated and defines whether a subfolder should be created in the configured path.

The name of the subfolder can be entered manually. Variables and placeholders, such as the user name, can also be used via the “+” button next to the input field.

Default value: %dateFileName%

Launch application

Defines whether an external program (*.exe) should be started after saving the image.

If activated, the application can be entered manually in the input field or selected on the computer using the “…” button.

Application parameters

This setting is only active if the “launch application” setting has been activated and defines whether additional parameters should be transferred to the application.

The parameters can be entered in the input field. Variables and placeholders are also available via the “+” icon next to the input field.

The file path is transferred by default.

If several parameters are used, they can be separated from each other by spaces.

The parameters should always be specified in quotation marks if the paths or names contain spaces.

Default value: “%bioFile%”

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