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Signature devices

The settings for the signature devices contain all the configurations for using the signature devices, e.g. the signature pad used and its settings as well as the appearance of the buttons.

General settings


Storage location and file name

Location of the signature device configuration

This option determines where the signature device settings are saved.

Configuration file of signoSign/2: The settings are saved in the global configuration file of signoSign/2:


Separate file: The settings are saved in a separate file:


Separate file (user-specific): The settings are saved in a user-specific file:


Saving in a separate, user-specific file is particularly suitable if the software is used by several users on the same computer or on a terminal server.

Default value: Separate file

Button design

This option defines the design of the buttons on the signature pad.

Mirror the entire pad display in the dialog box for signature capture

This option determines whether the content of the signature pad should be mirrored in the signature dialog on the computer.

Activated: The content of the signature pad is displayed on the PC so that the user on the PC sees the same content as the signatory on the signature pad. The buttons on the signature pad can be operated from the PC. With signotec Delta, it is also possible to scroll through the document on the signature pad from the PC to guide the signatory through the document.

Deactivated: The content of the signature pad is not mirrored. A dialog with a white area is displayed on the PC.

Mirroring the display is particularly recommended for the signotec Delta signature pad to guide the signatory through the document.

Mirroring the display can lead to increased response and loading times.

Default value: Activated

Signature process timeout (in seconds)

This option determines whether the captured signature should be automatically confirmed after a certain time (timeout).

Activated: The signature is automatically confirmed after the timer (1–15 seconds) has expired. The timer starts as soon as the pen is set down for the first time after signing. If writing continues during this time, the timer is reset.

Deactivated: There is no timeout. The signature is not accepted automatically and must be explicitly confirmed.

This option has no effect on any configured confirmation dialogs or on the reading mode of the signotec Delta signature pad.

Default value: Deactivated

Force configured signature device and connection type

Specifies whether only the configured signature device and the connection type should be enforced so that these settings cannot be changed automatically or by user interaction.

Activated: The configured signature device and the connection type (USB, VCOM/FTDI, IP) are enforced. If no suitable device is connected, the user receives an error message and cannot sign.

Deactivated: The configured signature device is not enforced. If no suitable device is connected, the user receives a dialog to search for and select another available signature device, possibly with other connection types.

In this case, the term “signature device” distinguishes between a signature pad, a tablet PC or a plug-in. The option is not restricted to a specific model. If the option is activated and, for example, a Sigma signature pad is connected as a USB device, a Gamma signature pad can also be used as a USB device. However, a signature pad with a VCOM connection or a switch to a tablet PC would not work.

Selecting signature devices

The signature devices to be used for signature capture are configured in this area. In “dual-pad mode,” up to two devices can be configured simultaneously.

All signature devices found are displayed in the table. Only “tablet PC and pen display” is visible by default. This option is used for Windows tablet PCs (e.g. Microsoft Surface) and pen displays.

Find signature devices

The “Search devices” button can be used to search for connected signotec signature pads. By default, only devices with the USB connection type (HID or WinUSB) are searched for.

The “configure search” button can also be used to optionally activate the search for virtual serial devices (e.g. signature pads with FTDI) or IP devices. All signature devices found are displayed in the list.

If this setting is not made manually, the search and assignment is carried out automatically during the first signing process.

The list shows all signature devices that were found using the search function. The list empties every time you exit and reopen the settings. To save the setting permanently, the desired signature device must be assigned as the signature device.

Assign signature devices

First signature device

The “first signature device” is configured as the primary input device for the signature. It is used by default for all signature captures.

To assign a signature device for signature capture, you must first search for available devices via “Search devices.” You can then select the desired device in the list and click the “assign first signature device” button to permanently store the device as the first signature device. Alternatively, this assignment can also be made by double-clicking within the list.

A dialog for entering a description for the device appears. The model description is entered here by default, e.g. “signotec Gamma.” However, a custom description can also be used.

After confirming the dialog, the device appears under the table as “first signature device:”

Second signature device

Equivalent to the first signature device, a second signature device can also be stored by selecting another pad in the list and using the “assign second signature device” button.

The second signature device is optionally available in the signature capture dialog. During signature capture, you can switch between the first and second signature device.

In addition, the signature field settings in the document types can be used to configure whether certain signature fields of a document should be automatically displayed on the second signature device first.

Swap first and second signature device

If a first and a second signature device have been assigned, a double arrow icon is activated to the right of the configured signature devices. This button changes the order of the configured signature devices so that the first signature device is defined as the second and the second signature device as the first.

Delete assignment

If an assigned signature device is to be removed, the trash icon to the right of the assigned signature device can be used.

Fallback mode

The option “use second signature device as fallback” can be found under the assigned signature devices. This option determines whether the device configured as the second signature device should be used as a fallback or backup if the first configured signature device is not available. If no second signature device is generally defined, this setting has no effect.

Activated: If this option is activated, the second signature device is automatically used if the first signature device is not available.

Deactivated: If this option is deactivated, both signature devices must be available at the start of the signing process. If one of the devices is not available, an error message is displayed.

Default value: Deactivated

The fallback mode option is suitable for combining a Windows tablet PC with a signature pad, for example. If a signature pad is connected to the tablet PC (e.g. while the tablet PC is in a docking station at the workstation), the signature pad is used. If the tablet PC is used as a mobile device and therefore without a signature pad, the tablet PC is automatically activated as a signature device without the need to change the settings.

Configure signature devices

The signotec signature pads offer further configuration options. If a signotec signature pad is assigned as the first or second signature device, the device can be further configured by clicking the cogwheel icon displayed to the right of the assigned signature device. Click the button to open the specific settings in a new window.

The signature device settings are available for the signature pads signotec Sigma Lite, Sigma, Omega, Zeta, Gamma and Delta. Advanced settings are also available for the IP List Capture plug-in.

These settings always refer to the model used. If two devices of the same model (e.g. signotec Sigma) are connected, the settings for both devices are identical. The settings are saved permanently and applied to all signature pads of the same model.

Signature device settings



Sampling rate

This option configures the sampling rate used. A higher sampling rate increases the accuracy of the recording, but also the amount of data required.

  • 125 Hz—Low bandwidth requirement

  • 250 Hz – Default value

  • 500 Hz—Very precise sampling

Replace standby image

This option allows you to replace the standby image of the signature pad.

Activated: The graphic for standby is loaded into the configured (first and second) signature pad when signoSign/2 is closed. You can use the “…” button to select a graphic in .bmp, .jpg, .gif or .png format. Alternatively, you can enter or edit the path to the desired graphic directly in the input field. Please pay attention to the resolution of the graphics, as they are not scaled. You can use the button with the arrow to transfer the configured graphic directly to the connected signature pad without having to exit signoSign/2.

Deactivated: The standby image or slideshow of the configured signature pad remains unchanged.


signotec Sigma: 320 x 160 px
signotec Zeta: 320 x 200 px
signotec Omega: 640 x 480 px
signotec Gamma: 800 x 480 px
signotec Delta: 1280 x 800 px

The signotec Sigma Lite uses the same settings as the signotec Sigma. However, this setting is ignored for the signotec Sigma Lite, as it does not have a display.

The image can be stored on a network path. If it is replaced without changing the file name, the updated image is transferred from signoSign/2 to the pads.

Default value: Deactivated

Preview of the document



Display a preview of the document in the signature device during signing

This option determines whether a section of the document should be displayed when signing on the signature pad.

This option is only available for signature pads with a color display.

Default value: Activated

Spacings (in per cent)

The section is displayed depending on the signature field.

The horizontal and vertical spacing are specified in percentages and define the spacings of the signature field from the edge of the document.

This makes it possible to determine the position of the signature field within the excerpt. Use the sliding scale beneath the sample excerpt to set the magnification level. A size of 100% means that the display size in the signature pad is identical to a paper printout. 200% corresponds to a signature pad display magnified by a factor of 2. Magnifying simultaneously reduces the displayed area of the document.

Default value: 75% vertical, 25% horizontal

Highlight signature fields in the signature device

This option determines whether the size and position of the signature field should be highlighted with a blue rectangle.

Default value: Activated

Limit the signing area to the signature field

This option determines whether the signature may only be entered within the highlighted signature field.

Activated: Signing is only possible in the highlighted area.

Deactivated: Signing is possible on the entire display of the signature pad. After confirmation, the signature is scaled to fit inside the configured signature field.

Default value: Deactivated

Interactive signing mode— document view

The settings for interactive signing mode configure the functions in interactive mode and define which buttons are available for editing the document on the signature pad.



Show buttons for navigation

Determines whether the buttons for navigating the document are displayed.

Activated: All buttons for navigation are displayed: First page, previous page, next page and last page.

Deactivated: The buttons for navigation are hidden. The document can only be navigated by scrolling.

Default value: Activated

Show button for signing

Determines whether the buttons for starting the signing process are displayed.

Activated: The button for signing is displayed. The function skips the signature fields in sequence for signing.

Deactivated: The button for signing is hidden. Signing is only possible by tapping signature fields individually.

Default value: Activated

Show exit button

Determines whether the button for exiting interactive mode is displayed.

Activated: The button for exiting interactive mode is displayed.

Deactivated: The button for exiting interactive mode is hidden. The mode can only be exited from the PC.

Default value: Activated

Show button for creating notes

Determines whether the button for creating notes is displayed.

Activated: The button for creating notes is displayed. Notes can be created on the signature pad.

Deactivated: The button for creating notes is hidden. It is not possible to create handwritten notes on the pad.

Default value: Activated

Line width of notes

Defines the pen size or pen width in pen mode. You can choose between five levels from “very thin” to “very thick.”

Default value: Thin

Color of notes

Defines the pen color in pen mode. A color palette is available for color selection.

Default value: Blue

Show button for creating highlights

Determines whether the button for creating highlights is displayed.

Activated: The button for creating highlights is displayed. Highlights can be created on the signature pad.

Deactivated: The button for creating highlights is hidden. It is not possible to create highlights by hand on the pad.

Default value: Activated

Line width of marks

Defines the size of the highlighter. You can choose between five levels from “very thin” to “very thick.”

Default value: Normal

Color of marks

Defines the color of the highlighter. A color palette is available for color selection. The transparency setting of the color cannot be changed for the highlighter.

Default value: Yellow

Interactive signing mode— signature view

The settings for interactive signing mode in the signature view configure the functions in interactive mode that are available during signing.



Show button to repeat

Determines whether the button for repeating the signature is displayed.

Activated: The button to repeat the signature is displayed.

Deactivated: The button for repeating the signature is hidden. It is only possible to repeat a signature via the dialog on the PC.

Default value: Activated

Show button to cancel

Determines whether the button for canceling the signature is displayed.

Activated: The button to cancel the signature is displayed.

Deactivated: The button for canceling the signature is hidden. Canceling a signature is only possible via the dialog on the PC.

Default value: Activated

Show button to skip

Determines whether the button for skipping the signature should be displayed.

Activated: The button to skip a signature is displayed.

Deactivated: The button for skipping a signature is hidden. It is not possible to skip signatures on the pad.

The button can only be used if the signing process was started using the “sign” button and there are still empty signature fields in the document. The button is also deactivated if it is a mandatory field and the option “do not allow mandatory fields to be skipped” is activated in the signature settings.

Default value: Activated

Show button to confirm

Determines whether the button for confirming the signature is displayed.

Activated: The button for confirming a signature is displayed.

Deactivated: The button for confirming a signature is hidden. It is not possible to confirm signatures on the pad.

Default value: Activated

Maintenance options

The maintenance options are available for all signotec signature pads. The unique serial number of the currently connected signature pad and the firmware version are displayed. These can also be found on the sticker on the back of the signature pad.



Adjust sensor

This button starts the sensor calibration of the connected signature pad. This is necessary if the pen entries on the display appear offset to the pen position.

After pressing the button, a white area with a cross in the top left-hand corner appears on the signature pad. This cross must be tapped with the pen in the middle of the two lines. Another cross will then appear in the bottom right-hand corner. This must also be tapped in the center.

Service menu

This button starts the service menu of the connected signature pad. Depending on the model, settings for the display brightness or the connection type can be made in the service menu. Further information can be found in the manual for the specific signature pad.

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