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signoSign/Universal settings

signoSign/2 offers integration of the web-based solution signoSign/Universal. This connection makes it possible to share documents directly from signoSign/2 with external persons for signing. For more complex processes, signoSign/Universal workflows can also be used to share one or more documents with one or more people—simultaneously or in a specific order.

Further information can be found on the product page at

The use of signoSign/Universal requires an additional license. This is explicitly not part of the signoSign/2 software.

Further settings, such as color and logo, can be defined via the signoSign/Universal web portal.

General settings

The following configurations can be made in the general settings:



Use signoSign/Universal

Configures whether the connection to signoSign/Universal should be used.

After activation, additional functions are available via the “signoSign/Universal” ribbon.

The functions can be individually shown or hidden or renamed via the user interface settings.

You can use the document types to make many other settings for signoSign/Universal, e.g. change the file names when uploading or pre-configure the e-mail texts.

Please note that the combination of signoSign/2 and signoSign/Universal requires certain constellations of version numbers. A new signoSign/2 version is not necessarily compatible with old signoSign/Universal versions. It is strongly recommended that you always check that both products are up to date when updating.

Default value: Activated

URL of the signoSign/Universal Server

Defines the URL under which the signoSign/Universal Server can be reached.

The signotec cloud system is stored as standard. Alternatively, other server instances— including on-premises— can also be configured.


Login name and password

Configures the user name and password for logging in to signoSign/Universal.

If no login data is stored, the user is prompted to enter valid login data and to optionally save it the first time this data is used.

Default value: empty

Save login data user-specifically

Specifies whether login name and password are saved user-specifically.

Activated: Login name and password are saved user-specifically so that each user can use their own login data.

Deactivated: Login name and password are saved globally so that all users use the same login data.

It must be ensured in advance that the individual signoSign/Universal license allows the sharing of user data, as this may otherwise lead to the account being blocked.

Test connection

The “Test connection” button can be used to check the validity of the stored user data.

Permitted authentication methods


In the “Permitted authentication methods when sharing documents” section, you can define the permitted methods that a recipient can use to authenticate themselves before they can sign a shared document. At least one method must be activated.

Different rules can be defined in the document type settings.

At least one authentication method must be active. Please note that the settings of the signoSign/Universal user account are also taken into account when the selection is made. If, for example, all authentication methods except “TAN (text message)” are deactivated in signoSign/2 and the user does not have an extended signoSign/Universal license for the use of test messages, it is not possible to share documents.



Without authentication

No authentication is required to access the document.

Default value: Activated


A password must be entered to access the document.

Default value: Activated

Predefined password

With the “Predefined password” option, a predefined password is displayed to the user when the document is shared.

The password can be entered manually. Variables and placeholders are also available via the “+” icon next to the text field.

The predefined password can be changed by the user before the document is shared.

If a workflow is created with several documents that contain predefined passwords, the predefined password of the first document is used.

Default value: Empty

TAN (text message)

To access the document, you need to enter a TAN, which is sent by text message.

The required cell phone number must be entered by the user when the document is shared.

An extended signoSign/Universal license is required to use text messages. If no extended license is available, this setting is ignored.

Default value: Activated

TAN (e-mail)

To access the document, you need to enter a TAN, which is sent by e-mail.

The required e-mail address must be entered by the user when the document is shared.

Default value: Activated

Permitted signing methods


In the “Permitted signing methods when sharing documents” section, the permitted methods that a recipient can use to sign the shared document can be defined. At least one method must be activated.

Different rules can be defined in the document type settings.

At least one signing method must be active. Please note that the settings of the signoSign/Universal user account are also taken into account when the selection is made. If, for example, “Mouse” is deactivated as a signing method in the signoSign/Universal settings and “Touch input” is deactivated in signoSign/2, neither input method is available. The user is therefore always offered the smallest overlap of the available signing methods. If there is no overlap, it is not possible to share documents.




The recipient of a shared document may use the mouse as an input device for the signature.

Default value: Activated

Touch input

The recipient of a shared document may use touch input as an input method for the signature.

Default value: Activated

Electronic pen

The recipient of a shared document may use an electronic pen (e.g. Apple Pencil) as an input device for the signature.

Default value: Activated

signotec signature pad

The recipient of a shared document may use a signotec signature pad as an input device for the signature.

Default value: Activated


The recipient of a shared document may provide a qualified signature via sign-me.

An extended signoSign/Universal license is required to use sign-me. If no extended license is available, this setting is ignored.

Default value: Activated

Additional options

Further settings can be configured in the “Additional options” area.



E-mail sending

Determines how e-mails are sent when a document is shared.

signoSign/2: The e-mail is sent via the route configured in the e-mail settings of signoSign/2.

signoSign/Universal: The e-mails are sent via the signoSign/Universal e-mail service.

This setting affects the sharing of individual documents. For technical reasons, workflows are always sent via signoSign/Universal.

Default: signoSign/2

Completed documents

Defines what should happen with completed shared documents.

Notifications: The software regularly checks whether documents have been completed and informs you of this via push notification in Windows. A red dot is also displayed in the toolbar.

Archive: The software regularly checks whether documents have been completed. Completed documents are automatically downloaded and archived according to the document type settings.

Do nothing: The software does not automatically check whether documents have been completed.

Default value: Do nothing

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