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signotec PDF Creator

The signotec PDF Creator (“PDFPrinter_x64” feature) is a virtual printer that is included in the installation of signoSign/2 and can be configured via the Windows printer settings.

This printer can be used to convert a document from almost any application (e.g. Microsoft Word) into a PDF and have it opened automatically in signoSign/2.

By default, the printer generates a PDF/A-2b-compliant document that is temporarily stored in the %temp% directory and opened from there with signoSign/2. With the setting “delete source file when archiving,” this temporary file is deleted again when archiving.

Existing PDF documents should not be printed using the signotec PDF Creator, as this conversion may contain errors. Such documents should be opened directly with signoSign/2, or can be transferred directly to signoSign/2 using the Adobe plug-in “signotec signoSign/2 Transfer” if the document was previously opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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