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URL scheme

It is possible to start signoSign/2 via a URL from a web application (browser) and transfer documents with or without document types and their settings. For this option, the URL scheme “signosign2://” is used, which is assigned during the installation of the application (signoSign2.exe).

The URL must contain a link or path to a supported file format as a parameter. The software downloads the document from the transmitted link or path.

If several files are to be transferred in one URL, the key “docX” can be used, whereby each parameter contains one file ([…]doc1={path}&doc2={path}&doc3={path}).


<a href=“signoSign2://“>Dokument öffnen</a>
<a href=“signoSign2://doc1=“>Mehrere Dokumente öffnen</a>

Please note that if the file name or path contains unauthorized URL characters, they must be encoded accordingly. For example, if the file is “Invoice & delivery bill.pdf,” the special character must be encoded in the URL: “Invoice %26 delivery bill.pdf.”

As with the transfer parameter function, the resubmission can also be opened here using the “OpenResubmission” parameter. More information can be found in the section on transfer parameters.


<a href="signoSign2://OpenResubmission">Wiedervorlage öffnen</a>
<a href="signoSign2://OpenResubmission?ID=96&Bearbeiter=Ferenc Hilker">Wiedervorlage gefiltert</a>

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