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Automatic detection of the connection type

The device is pre-configured for USB mode before delivery. For this reason, the signotec Delta will automatically search for the connection type when the device is turned on for the first time. It is based on the cable you use when installing the device.

The following are typical application scenarios:

  1. If the black USB plug is connected to a host (computer) first, the USB mode remains enabled.

  2. If an Ethernet cable with ‘Power-over-Ethernet’ (PoE) is connected first, the device automatically enables the network mode.

  3. If the black plug is connected to a USB power supply first, a device with an integrated network connection enables network mode or a device without an integrated network connection enables USB mode.

  4. If the orange USB plug is connected to a host (computer) or power supply first, the USB mode remains enabled.

Many USB power supply units are detected as a host. In this case, it is necessary, when operating over a network, to change the connection type manually in the service menu.

If the orange USB plug is connected to a host (computer) or power supply first, the USB mode remains enabled.

Remember to always insert the Ethernet or the black USB cable before you use the orange cable.

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