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Functions of the signoSign/Universal Viewer

When you open a document for editing, it is shown in the signoSign/Universal viewer. The viewer allows you to navigate through the document, fill in form fields, share the document, and of course capture signatures.


The toolbar, which is located above an open document, shows all the functions that are currently available.

The availability of functions depends on several factors, such as

  • iOS or Android app in use

  • Browser in user

  • Server settings

  • Document is already signed

Generally speaking, however, you should see the following toolbar:

On mobile devices, the buttons will be moved to a “hamburger menu” depending on the space available. The behavior can be customized in the case of a custom deployment.

Back button

The Back button can be found on the far left of the menu bar. It will take you back to Document Pool.

In a custom integration, the destination of the button can be configured via a referrer URL.

About signoSign/Universal

Click “About signoSign/Universal” to display contact information and to see which signoSign/Universal version you are using.

Log out

You can log out of the application using the logout icon. By logging out, you will be logged out in both the viewer and Document Pool.

This button can be changed in a custom integration.

Scale page view

The current page can be scaled using the three buttons in the menu bar. The options “Default size,” “Fit to page width,” and “Fit to page height” are available for this purpose.

These buttons are only shown in the desktop view. On mobile devices, the usual gesture controls are available for scaling.

Sharing a document

A sharing case can be created using the “Share document” button to share the document with a link to an external person. This function is also available via Document Pool. You can also assign form fields when sharing the document via the viewer. However, this is only possible in a simplified form. As with sharing via Document Pool, a preview of the document opens when you select the form fields. Here you can select or deselect form fields. Selected fields are displayed in green and unselected fields in red. Only the fields assigned to the recipient are displayed for editing. If no form fields have been assigned, generally all fields will be visible.


It is currently not possible to send the document automatically from signoSign/Universal by email or text message from the viewer. Please use the Document Pool functions for this purpose.


Click the floppy disk icon to save changes in a document. These will be stored in Document Pool (database) by default.

Display signature fields

This icon opens an overview of all the signature fields in a document. A signature field can be opened directly for signing from this overview.


Insert note

The marker icon can be used to start capturing notes. The toolbar will change after clicking on the icon. Handwritten notes can be recorded, marks made, and text and frames inserted. Unsaved changes can be undone or restored using the arrow icons.

The magnifying glass icon can be used to search for a text within the document. An input field for the search term will open after you have clicked the icon. Use the respective arrow icons to jump to the next or previous position where the text was found. This is also highlighted on the document.

Create signature field

Signature fields can be added to the document using the signature field icon. A field for positioning on the document will be displayed after you have clicked the icon. It can be moved to any position and resized. Once the field has been placed in the desired position, confirm to insert it in the document. The empty field can also be saved (in a template, for example).



The signature process can be started with the pen icon. In this case, the signature fields will be jumped to one after the other without having to select them individually. You can find more information in the Signature capture section.


You can use the download icon to download the current document.
In the app view, the export function calls a platform-specific menu for
further processing of the PDF document that you can use to open the document for further processing in available applications, share, and print.

Page navigation (dynamic footer)

The navigation functions described here are always available in the signoSign/Universal toolbar.

If the available resolution or the window width is too small for a complete display of the defined functions, the page navigation switches dynamically to a separate footer.

The page navigation consists of the following functions:

The first section shows the currently displayed page of the document followed by the total number of pages in the open document. You can navigate by entering the page number manually.

Use the down arrow to scroll to the next page in the document.

Use the up arrow to scroll to the previous page in the document.

The thumbnail view (book icon) provides you with a separate preview of all pages in the document. You can move to another page by selecting the desired page.

Signature capture

As soon as signature capture has been started by clicking the signing icon or an empty signature field, a dialog box will open for capturing and displaying the signature in real time.

Capturing a signature

A signature can be provided using the connected signature pad or the pen or touch input of your device. Once the entry has been confirmed, the signature will be inserted into the document and shown there.

Capturing a signature using a signotec signature pad or a digitizer pen guarantees the capture of high-quality signature data.

Signature dialog

When signature capture is started, various functions are displayed in the signature dialog box.

The capture can be canceled by clicking the “X” icon.

This repeat icon can be used to repeat the signature capture. This will reset the previous entry.

Click the arrow icon to skip the current signature field.

This checkmark icon can be used to confirm the captured signature.

The toolbar can be displayed above or below the dialog box using the “arrow down” icon. This feature is only available on mobile devices and tablet PCs.

Date and time (time stamp)

Display of a time stamp with date and time will be disabled in a document by default. This can be displayed as required via the signature information. If you are running a customized system, the time stamp can be configured flexibly on the server.

Form fields

You can also complete PDF forms in the signoSign/Universal viewer. The standard field types for text input, checkboxes, multiple selection, and drop-down are supported. Form field entries can be inserted into a document using the Save icon or by capturing a signature. These fields can also be filled using a mouse and keyboard or touch.

Navigation with gesture control

The buttons for scaling the page view are not available in the mobile apps for iOS or Android. A free scaling of content can be achieved here using standard gestures.

To zoom in or out, move two fingers apart or together until the desired size is achieved.

To go back or forward one page, use one finger to swipe from left to right or vice versa.

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