Getting started
This part of the manual explains the first steps with the signoSign/2 software using a simple example.
The first steps include
... installation of the software
... structure of the program
... capture of a signature
... an example creation of a document type
Comprehensive descriptions of the individual functions and areas are contained in the other sections of the manual and are not part of these first steps due to their scope.
First, the installation file for the signoSign/2 software must be downloaded via the download form at and installed on the computer. Further information on installation can be found in the installation manual section.
Initial program start
The program can be started via the shortcut on the desktop or in the start menu.
Alternatively, the “signotec PDF Creator” printer can be used from almost any application and is installed together with the software. This virtual printer converts the print data into a PDF document and opens the created PDF file automatically with signoSign/2.
After starting, the main window of signoSign/2 opens.
When you start the program for the first time, a dialog with a few user instructions is displayed. Repeated display of this window can be deactivated via the “do not show again” checkbox or in the general settings of the software.
Areas of application
The main window is divided into several areas. The following screenshot shows the different areas, highlighted in color and numbered. The table below contains a brief description of the respective area.

Screenshot: signoSign/2 main window
Description | Color | |
1 | The window title contains the name of the currently open document, the name of the software and the version number and licensee. | |
2 | In the main menu , ribbon tabs divide the program functions into individual areas. The visibility of the ribbons can be changed in the user interface settings. | |
3 | The toolbar below the ribbon tabs contains all the functions of the selected ribbon area. The availability and names of the individual functions can be changed in the user interface settings. | |
4 | The sidebar on the left-hand side of the main window contains functions for navigating the document as well as information on the signatures and signature fields it contains. | |
5 | If several documents are open at the same time, they are displayed in individual tabs above the document display. The tabs can be used to switch between the open documents. | |
6 | The document display shows the currently open document centered in the software. Multi-page documents can be scrolled. All toolbar functions relate to the currently visible document. | |
7 | The status bar (footer) in the bottom left-hand corner of the main window contains information about the current document. | |
8 | The loading bar in the bottom right-hand corner of the main window indicates that the software is loading, e.g. when a document is opened. |
All general software settings are contained in the Tools → Configuration (F8) area. This includes printers, stamps, signature settings or user interface settings, for example.
Document-specific settings can be made under Tools → Document types (F9), in particular the recognition of individual documents, automatic signature fields and storage locations. In addition, there are numerous other settings such as print settings, e-mail settings or the option to use placeholders.
Comprehensive information on all settings can be found in the section on administration and configuration.
First signature
Configure signature device
When a signotec signature pad is used, it is simply connected to the computer via USB.
If the signature pad is used locally on the PC, no driver installation is necessary. The device works on a plug-and-play basis and is automatically searched for and configured the first time a signature process is started.
If the signature pad is to be used in a remote desktop environment (RDP or Citrix), USB forwarding must be activated. This can be done via native USB forwarding or via virtual serial connections (devices with FTDI chip or signotec vCOM port driver). The signotec Virtual Channel driver is also available for Citrix. Further information can be found in the user manual and at As soon as the signature pad has been transferred to the virtual user session, it can be configured in signoSign/2. The automatic search first tries to find a native USB device. This search is initially without results and the user receives a message dialog. A search for serial devices can then be carried out in this dialog in order to activate the pad that has been passed through. This configuration is only required once.
If a Windows tablet PC is used, the automatic device search will also produce no results initially. In the information dialog, the user can then activate the tablet PC as an input in addition to searching for serial devices. This configuration is only required once.
The software saves the initial configuration. However, changing the signature pad is usually not a problem and the change is recognized automatically. The settings can be changed at any time via the signature device settings.
Create signature field
The “create signature field” tool can be used to create signature fields directly in the document.

Screenshot: “Create signature field” tool
Once the function has been activated, the mouse pointer changes to a crosshair icon. A signature field can now be created anywhere in the document using the mouse. To do this, an area for the signature is selected at the desired position by “clicking and dragging.” As soon as the left mouse button is released, a signature field is created in the selected area. Any number of signature fields can be created in this way.

Screenshot: Positioning signature field
Capturing signatures
To enter a signature for an individual signature field, click the desired signature field in the document. The mouse pointer changes to a pen icon above the signature field.

Screenshot: Clicking signature field
Signature capture for the selected field is started immediately after clicking. The signature dialog appears on the PC. The signature can now be made on the connected signature pad.
The “sign” tool can be used to sign all signature fields one after the other. Here too, signature capture is started immediately for the first field. If the signature is confirmed or skipped, signature capture starts automatically for the next field. This is repeated until all signature fields of the document have been signed or skipped.

Screenshot: Signature dialog
If the content of the signature pad is to be displayed mirrored on the PC, as shown in the screenshot, the option “mirror the entire pad display in the dialog for signature capture” can be activated in the signature device settings.
The “sign” tool is only active if there are empty signature fields in the document or if a signotec Delta signature pad is used. Interactions with the function “only allow signing of existing signature fields” from the general settings of the document type must be taken into account.
Save document
To save the signed document, you can use the “save” or “save as…” function in the “file” menu.
To automate storage (“archiving”), a document type can be set up in accordance with the following section.
Automate work steps
“Document types" can be set up to automate redundant work steps. A very basic configuration is carried out below using a simple example. Comprehensive information on the document types and individual functions can be found in the document types section.
New document type
To create a new document type, first open the desired document with the software. The settings for document types can then be opened via Tools → Document types (F9).
A new window opens, which is divided into three columns. In the left-hand column, you can select from the configured document types. Only the document type “all other documents” is included as default. The two columns on the right contain the settings for the selected document type.
To create a new document type for the current document, the “new document type from current document” function can be used under the list of all document types. A new entry appears in the list with the name of the document.

Screenshot: New document type
Identification terms
All settings for the document type can now be made on the right-hand side. First, the “identification terms” must be configured. The identification terms are required so that the software can recognize and distinguish the documents when they are opened. When opened, the software extracts the text contained and searches for matches with the configured identification terms. If all configured terms are contained in the document, the corresponding document type is loaded.
To create a new identification term, click the “+” icon next to the area highlighted in red on the right-hand side.

Screenshot: Add identification term
A new window opens with a preview of the document and the text it contains. To define a search term, simply select it in the text. The text is entered in the “search term” field at the bottom and highlighted in the preview. The selected term can be confirmed using the “OK” button.
The process can be repeated as often as required to configure all the desired terms for recognizing the document

Screenshot: Selecting identification term
The search term can consist of a single word or several related words. However, the highlight should not be too extensive, e.g. covering several lines, as these may not be recognized reliably. In this case, several identification terms should be defined individually instead.
Automatic signature fields
The software can automatically create signature fields in the recognized document type. To define signature fields, switch to the “signature fields” area. In addition to some settings, the “define signature fields” area can also be found there. The “+” icon can be used to configure a new signature field.

Screenshot: Define new signature field
When a new signature field is defined, a new window opens. Similar to the identification terms, a view opens with a preview of the document and the text it contains.
Signature fields can have a “relative” or “absolute” positioning. A relative position creates the signature field dynamically depending on a search term in the document. An absolute position, on the other hand, is a static position in the document. As a rule, relative positioning is recommended.
To define the relative position, the search term is again simply selected in the text, e.g. “customer signature” (or similar). A default-size blue field automatically appears above the search term in the preview. The position and size of the field can be changed as required. As soon as the field has been positioned, the setting can be exited using the “OK” button.

Screenshot: Positioning signature field
Once the position of the signature field has been confirmed, the window closes and another dialog appears with detailed settings, e.g. what field name the signature field has and whether the signature field created is a mandatory field. These settings can be confirmed with “OK.” The configured signature field is now included in the “define signature fields” area. The signature field can be edited or deleted using the pen or trash icon. The “+” icon can be used to create any number of additional fields in the document.

Screenshot: Signature field settings
Storage location for archiving
Another important function is the automatic storage of the finished document using the “archive” tool.
To configure the storage location and the file name, switch to the “archiving” area. In this area, the file name can be configured under “name of the archive file” and the storage location under “archive folder.”
Other optional settings are also available, such as the option that archiving is only possible if all (mandatory) signature fields have been signed, or the option to print and send the finished document.

Screenshot: Archiving settings
You made it!
The first document type has been successfully configured.
The configured document is now recognized by the software. The signature fields are created automatically and the document is saved in the configured archive folder via the “archive” function and can be further processed from there.
Equivalent to these settings, further documents can be configured and automated.